Chapter 5

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ICRFS(looking like Brayden) walked up to Logan's house around 5am and rang the door bell

Logan came out in his pyjamas and looked very sleepy "hi Brayden?"said Logan "hello" said ICRFS
"Why are you here so early" asked logan "no reason" responded ICRFS

Logan seen that Brayden was not blinking or breathing it was not Brayden "ICRFS" Logan whispered "what?" "ICRFS!" Logan screamed and Reyes to run inside

But a robotic claw extended from ICRFS back and grabbed him.ICRFS hung Logan from a telephone pole and told him what his evil plan

"You can't just kill all the humans"said Logan "yes I can and I'm about to launch a nuke on Newfoundland" responded ICRFS

"No!" Yelled Logan ICRFS started to fly off and Logan ripped his shirt and fell on ICRFS' leg with one of his rocket boosters.Logan ripped off one of the rocket boosters an they went out of control

Brayden had escaped and saw Logan and ICRFS and he was following them with his car and his hunting shotgun

Logan climbed up ICRFS until he got to his back and grabbed on and there was a skyscraper in front of them.ICRFS grabbed Logan's leg and threw him threw the window

Logan was getting up when ICRFS smashed threw the window and threw the other one and flew up to the roof where his nuke is

And a few minutes later Brayden walked up the stairs to Logan

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