Chapter 1

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"Ah crap" said Logan "the science fair is in 1 week and I have nothing done"

"It's ok I will help you" said Logan's cousin Brayden (he is bad@&$!) "we can go to Home Depot and make something that will get you 1st place for sure"

They got and get supplies for a robot that will knock the competition out of the park

So they start working on a robot with a stupid name I.C.R.F.S or intelligent, computer, robot, for, science

All day and night they worked on ICRFS with no sleep.With multiple trips to Tim hortens or to you Americans dunken doughnuts

But by the fifth day it was done "and with 2 days to spare" said Logan "yup all we need to do is give it power and it will turn on" said Brayden "alright then" said Logan

Logan plugged it in to a electricity port and waited.10 minutes went by and nothing happened "well crap" said Brayden

"Let's try again tomorrow we need sleep" said Logan
"ok let's go" said Brayden.Logan seen Brayden out the door and Brayden headed home

Logan went in the room with the broken robot and turned off the lights,closed the door and crashed on the couch

And at that moment ICRFS turned on.

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