It felt as if a part of me was coming home. So I wasn't surprised when the knife disappeared into my skin the moment it made contact. I looked up to see Caleb staring at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

He didn't answer me and just kept staring. It really started to annoy me.

"Could you please stop staring and actually answer some of my questions?" I shouted.

"I think I can help you with that. "


Both Caleb and I turned to the new person entering the room. It was the old guy who was sitting with the Masters. Caleb had called him High Trainer Globe.

"I hope you don't mind but I was observing you through the window and overheard some of the questions you asked. I thought I would be able to shine some light on your situation, " he said, walking to one of the seats and sitting down.

"We did not get a chance to be properly introduced at the table so I shall see to that now. I am High Trainer Globe. I am the head Trainer in HQ. My job is to oversee all the work of the trainers and to train the Masters. This is a job that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family so I am best suited to answer any questions that you may have. First things first, Caleb wasn't allowed to tell any of the Masters about the Verification Trials. No member of CAVES is allowed to. It is forbidden. Now that we have dealt with that let's get to the real issues." He paused and took a breath.

I glanced at Caleb. He shrugged apologetically before pointing at his father.

"Caleb told me what he had explained to you on the way here. He said he told you about the core families breaking away from the Hunters because they had strayed away from the right path. While that is true, it isn't really the full story. The Hunters was first started by ten men and their families. As you were told these men where incredibly smart. The smartest of these men was a Mr. Stuart Cronus, of the Cronus family. He was a man who was in love with chemicals and the elements, which were something fairly new at the time. It was this love for chemicals that led to him being the weapons expert of the group. He was always creating new and exciting devices for the organisation, each successive one with an even greater effect."

Seeing the horrified look on my face, High Trainer Globe explained.

"You have to understand that he was a soldier, and as a soldier he would do all he could to win the war. Anyway, Mr. Cronus eventually grew bored of weapon making. He thought that life would be more exciting if man could just BE the weapon. This intrigued him and he began to work on a secret project. He did not want the Hunters to know what he was doing quite yet, just in case he failed. It took him many decades before he got the formula right. He was able to create some sort of energy that could enhance certain skills of the human body. He broke it down to just three areas at first- speed, strength and intelligence. He then decided to focus on more mental capabilities. He stumbled across the mimicking ability of a human being and decided to use the energy to enhance this ability to the point of changing one's shape, features, personality and abilities."

"That's Alex's power, isn't it?" I interrupted.

"Yes, it is. By now, Mr. Cronus had grown quite old. He knew there were many dimensions left to explore with this energy so he wrote down all his findings in a journal and passed it down to his son. Mr. Cronus had also noticed that things were changing within the Hunters for the worse. He needed a group of people who he could trust to protect his invention. He chose the Aristos, Eltelln, Valacci, Salden families and entrusted them each with a part of his knowledge. They swore to protect them with their lives but that wasn't enough for Mr. Cronus. He injected the firstborn of each of their families with a part of the energy knowing that even if the families would betray him, they would never betray one of their own. He then injected his son with the pure energy. This is how the Core Families were created. Unfortunately, one of the people providing Mr. Cronus with supplies witnessed the formation of the group and reported to the Hunters. The other members of the Hunters demanded that their children should also be included in the experiments. The Core Families knew that the Hunters would use the power to hurt innocent people and ran away." High trainer Globe took a deep breath and looked at me.

"That's pretty much it. Caleb told you the rest before." He said.

It took me a minute to respond.

"Wow, so I have the pure energy in me." I said

"Yes you do. It seems that the energy is transferred every generation to the firstborn child. That brings me to why Caleb was looking at you like that. We have records of what each core family generation could do and none of them have been able to manipulate the energy the way you did. At least not as quickly as you did."

"So, what does that mean?" I asked.

"It means," he said, "that either one, you are very powerful or two, the energy is evolving or...

At this point Caleb decided to break his vow of silence and looked straight into my eyes.

"Or Three, all of the above."

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Rhe Tache
This chapter was edited (29/12/15)

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