Chapter 3 - An Unwelcomed Visitor -

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Once I heard the knocks on the door I was already thinking to myself 'It's probably just Zoe. She probable forgot something.' I walked over to the door. "Back so soon? Although I do understand that it's impossible to go long without-" "No time to talk. Just follow me. Now." Said a mysterious man in a not so fashionable fedora. I mean really, who wears a fedora these days? Anyway, what am I thinking. I'm being dragged out of one of the only places I know by a person with a very questionable fashion sense. "Ok hold on. Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Somewhere where we can talk. Your room may be bugged, it may not. either way we can't' take the risk. We're almost there anyway." he said. "My name is Alex by the way." I just stared at him. I didn't really feel comfortable telling him my name since I had no idea what was happening. "You see this is the part where you tell me yours. It's kind of a custom nowadays. I share info, you share yours. Simple." "Well I kinda thought since you're kidnapping me you would have the decency to get my name first." I said. "This isn't a kidnapping. It's more of a meetup of old friends. As I said before, we're almost there. Just around the corner." he replied. Meetup of old friends? I had friends? That were old? "And, we're here. Welcome to the Emporium. Or what the commons call it, the Yard. Pretty huh?" Pretty it was. It was bustling with life and people, yet it wasn't overcrowded. Its smells were strangely amazing. Like, sugar, spice and feet. But there were tons and tons of shops. Some selling silks and fine scarves and some selling..."Does that sign say..'Souls? They're selling souls? And people are just walking by like it's nothing? Man, how much have I missed." I asked, extremely puzzled to say the least. "Oh, thats just Frank. don't mind him." Alex replied. "That still doesn't answer my..." Before I could finish, we approached this massive building, seeming more modern than any of the other shops in the vicinity. "And that, my friend, is the Institute. Our destination. Now just keep your head down and don't draw attention to yourself." he said. "Ok..but what's with all the secrecy?" I asked. "You'll find out shortly. Now follow my lead. But don't talk. Or make any sudden movements. In fact, don't do anything." Were his instructions. Still confused, but in awe, I followed him. Once we entered, I was even in more amazement. The interior was just spectacular. Everything was just so modern and white yet full of color and life. "Cool right?" Alex whispered to me. "Thats a major understatement." I replied. "What do you want Alex." the secretary said. "Nice to see you too Sarah. Now, me and my colleague here need to see the Boss." he replied casually. "And do you have an appointment? Because I'm afraid he is a very busy person, and his schedule is quite full right now." she replied slyly. "I'm sure we can make some...arrangements." Alex said with a smirk. I had no idea what was happening. I could tell that they were acquainted with each other, and that was about it. "Oh, well what do you know, an opening just popped up." she said. Maybe they were more than acquaintances. "Perfect. Would you like to accompany us to his office?" Alex asked. "If you insist." she said, standing up to follow us. "Martha cover for me please." she said getting a silent nod in reply. Once we got in the elevator and the door closed, they stared into eachothers eyes before passionately kissing. Yep, definitely more than acquaintances. I stood awkwardly in the corner. They were getting more and more into it, slamming against the walls. I looked at the floor number. We were heading to the 53rd floor, and only on the 4th. It was going to be a long ride.

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