Chapter 1 - The First Recruit -

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It was an ordinary day when my whole world fell apart. Although normal isn't the word to describe anything nowadays. I'm pretty sure it was a Tuesday. Anyway, I was walking around, not fully grasping what I saw. After all, a lot can happen in eight months. And a lot did. My post-coma screening was over and they let me out of the hospital ward saying that they would keep a tab on my sudden case of amnesia, and gave me my own room. There were three apartment complexes in the city. One for the wealthy, one for the poor, one for the middle class. Even though I didn't remember having any family, they placed me in the middle class. Not bad, I thought. The plaque on the door said 'Tyler M". they didn't tell me my last name, which I found a little disturbing. The secrecy was getting annoying. Especially since I couldn't remember. But I opened the door and walked in. The scenery hit me as a cross between minimalistic and just plain simple. The paintings looked like someone splattered some paint on it with five paintbrushes at the same time. The light fixture was just a box with a light inside it. I paced the room. I didn't know what to do. I was alone, though I doubted that that would be for long. Sure enough, I heard a knock at my door. "Come in. It's open." I said. Who walked in shocked me more than waking from my coma.

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