01. Milk makes me lose my identity

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Hello Wattpad lovers!!! Hows it going?? lm doing great! lm off to another country in just two weeks!!! Woopie for me!!! Anyways, l just wanted to thank everyone who has been reading my stories (even though it takes forever for me to upload.) l love each and every one of you!!! Please please vacaf (vote and comment and fan)!!! lt would make me so happy!! All of you readers are my inspiration. You are the people that encourage me to write!!! l lov all of u guys!!!



01. Milk makes me lose my identity

Two months earlier:

lts funny how buying a carton of milk at a store will change your life forever.

lts not so funny when you go back home to find everything you have is gone.

But l went to the store around nine in the morning so lm going to get back to that later.

Lets back track to an hour before shall we?

8:00 in the morning:

Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!

l groaned, still half asleep. My legs were all tangled up in the blankets and my head was covered by my pillow. l could already taste my morning breath and l felt a little dried up drool on my chin. [Dont judge.] l took in a deep breath and layed there for a few more seconds.

Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!!!!!!

l slammed the snooze button on my alarn clock then picked it up and threw it across the room. lt crashed against the wall, making a loud thud.

"Stupid alarm clock." l muttered.

l slowly crawled out of bed then flopped on my chair. l scooted up to my dresser mirror and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Ugh... My hair is a mess."

My hair looked like a bird had a little house party, but when all of its guests left, the little birdie forgot to clean up the mess.

l reached for my brush and started brushing my hair. All the tangles were hard to untangle but l eventually got my hair back to its normal self. l trudged to the bathroom across the hall and turned on the light. l started brushing my teeth and washed my face. When l finished, l felt a little refreshed. l walked back into my room and got some shorts and a t-shirt out of my closet. Once l put them on, l walked to the kitchen.

And l regreted it as soon as l walked in.

"You better stop drinking!!!" Aunt Leighana screamed.

She threw one of ten empty beer bottles at my Uncle Pablo.

"Well you better stop gambling!" Uncle Pablo screeched.

"l will do whatever l wanna do!" Aunt Leighana countered.

"You little ____" Uncle Pablo yelled.

They started flinging curse words at eachother. l think they didnt even know l was there. Aunt Leighana was still in her fluffy purple robe and had curlers in her hair. She had yellow teeth that never got brushed with a tooth brush. Poor teeth. Plus, she smokes... A lot. So l could already smell her breath. She had thin hair and guess what was in her hand! A cigarette!!! [You have got to be kidding me.]

Uncle Pablo looked even more disturbing. There is only one word to describe him. A loser.

He was an alchoholic and never really cared about anything. He always wore those undershirts and it was always stained with beer and that sticky stuff you get on your fingers when you eat too much Cheetos. He was practically bald except for a few strands of gray hair. He was a little over weight. Correction, he was REALLY over weight. He had a pretty big belly that showed off when he wore his famous undershirts. Uncle Pablo has been unemployed for the past three months and all he ever does is drink, play pocker with his loser buddies, and yell at either me or Aunt Leighana.

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