Chapter ten

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Rachel POV
"Sam, what are you doing here?"
I asked while covering myself up more with the robe while biting my lip and stepping in front of Finn who was holding Chris
"I came here to say sorry, and grab my basketball equipment and see if we could start again" sam replied with a disgusted face
"Well I don't forgive you, what you said was wrong, and if you were going to come here you needed to have called" I said in a stern voice looking at him right in the eye
"Well, don't let me stop you from being a slut then, just let me get my basketball and I'll leave this stupid house" sam said walking in,
Finn stepped in front of him putting Chris down and he looked pissed off, I was too shocked to do anything. So I took Chris and put cartoons on the tv in the living room really loud and I went back to the front door to make sure they didn't kill each other.
"I think you should leave" Finn said looking real mad
"Yes, leave sam I'll tell Blaine to give you the basketball tomorrow or later" I said mad that he wouldn't listen
"No! This was my house before home wrecking Finn stepped into the picture" he yelled at me
"HEY! Don't talk to her like that!" Finn yelled pushing Sam out the door
"Whatever you can have the slut, don't know why I was with her anyway" sam said through the door
"Oh! And by the way I know you burned Finn and i's letters you coward!" I yelled right back, Sam widens his eyes and left
I looked at Finn and I kissed him with so much passion and love
"Thank you" I said
"For what?" He asked with his cute confused face
"For being my hero" I said and I kissed him again, slipping in a little tongue, we were like making out when we heard
"Ewwww, daddy stop eatwimg mommy!" Chris yelled
Me and Finn just started laughing
"Does this mwean we's a real family now" Chris asked while holding his "blankie".
"Yup, bud" Finn said while carrying Chris to the kitchen, I already knew what they were going to want for breakfast
"Momma can we have..." I cut in " let me guess, pancakes" I said while taking out the ingredients. Finn was putting Chris in a seat with his booster chair and setting up the table and Chris just widended his eyes "momma, do you have supwer powers!??" Chris asked with so much curiosity and shock.
"Sure baby" I said playing along
"Yes, now I can tell Beth next time she comes!" Chris said excited Finn made his way over to the stove to help
"Alright Chris, for you, chocolate chip pancakes with a side of strawberries, egg and some bacon with chocolate milk" I said placing his plate in front of him
"Tank you momma" Chris said while digging in
"And for Mr.Hudson four pancakes with bacon and eggs and some milk as well" I said while kissing his cheek and putting his meal in front of him
"Thanks rach" Finn said returning the kiss
"Aww my eyes" Chris yelled putting his hands in front of his face
"Alright drama queen" I said while throwing my napkin at him
"You're just like your mom" Finn said while eating
"Alright, let mommy eat her breakfast in peace" I said while eating my fruit salad with some left over oatmeal and water
Rachel POV 12:26
I am working the afternoon shift today and since Finn has the year off he's taking care of Chris today. It's his first time alone with Chris, so I'm a little worried. I was in my uniform about to leave when I called Chris
"Chris, baby come give mommy a kiss goodbye" he kissed me then went back to the couch watching tv
"Alright, so you have my cell, and my work number is on the fridge, my schedule should be up there so you know when my break is, also make sure Chris takes his nap and vitamins, oh and make sure he doesn't watch too...."
"Rach, calm down, I got this I'm his dad" Finn replied while holding my shoulders looking into my eyes, I just stared
"My work number is on the fridge right?" I asked while looking toward the kitchen
"Yes, I got this, now go to work" he said kissing me on the cheek I kissed him back on the lips and walked out the door
"Byeeee, love you, remember I get off at eight today!" I yelled I heard a faint
"Love you" from both boys
I looked at the window and they were both waving, Chris blew me a kiss and I returned an air kiss, then I drove out of the driveway and toward the diner. Im loving my life right now.

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