Chapter eight

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Still the Zoo Day
Rachel POV
Chris slept throughout the whole car ride which is great, of course now all his energy is going to be well....energetic. We finally arrived and Finn took out the stroller while I took out Chris who was already awake and bouncing up and down. I took the bag and he grabbed his blanket while I picked him up. Man either, I'm getting weaker, or my baby boy is getting heavier. Finn set up the stroller and I put Chris in and gave Finn the bag while I pushed the stroller to the entrance.

Finn POV
I parked and went to the back to take out the stroller and I could already tell Chris was going to be super hyper today. Rachel took him out and put him in the stroller while I took the bag and she pushed. See me and her, we're an awesome team.
"Alright Bud what do you want see first" I asked Chris
"I wants to see the cats that go roars" Chris said while making a face and then smiling real big
"Lions it is" Rachel said
"Momma, I'm hungry" Chris whined
"Of course you are" rachel said smiling while looking at me
"Here you go, bud" I said while giving him his goldfish
"You know why you're always hungry baby" Rachel said while looking at the signs to see where the lions were
"Why, momma" Chris asked with his mouth full
"Because your dad eats just as much as you, and baby chew" Rachel said giggling while looking at me and I just start chuckling because it's true
"That's how you know he's my son" I winked at her, she just started laughing we make it to the lions and I lift Chris on my shoulders so he can see better
"Wow! Looks momma the cats sleep like me!" Chris yelled at her in awe, then she snapped a picture of me and Chris
After Rachel took a couple of photos we went to see what other animals that were nearby and we saw zebras, rhinos, gorillas, and some elephants. I also took a couple of cute photos of Rachel and Chris. I took Chris from Rachel when we got to the giraffes and she started taking pictures, so I took out my phone to take pictures too. that's when the war began.
"Finn, Chris look over here" Rachel said, so naturally we looked
"Say hi to the camera" she said and I had my phone so I started videotaping her and I told Chris to not tell her it was recording
"You know I'm videotaping right" she said smiling
"So am I" I said in my best cowboy showdown voice
"I see" she said mimicking my voice
Chris was just staring back and forth at the cameras
"So what are you recording" she asked
"I'm recording you, record me, recording you" I said super fast
"Well, I'm recording you, record me, record you, record me" she said even faster
"Well played ms. berry" I said smirking while turning off the camera and she did the same and hugging her while I carry Chris.
"You know that was absolutely pointless right?" She said and I looked over at her and said
"Yea" and then we stared at each other and just started bursting into a fit of laughter
"Mommy and daddy are weird, my heads hurt from me spinning my heads" Chris said
"I'm sorry baby" Rachel said while smiling and kissing the top of Chris's head
"All better, now can we go eats" Chris said rubbing his tummy, causing Rachel to say
"Yup, he's your son Finn Hudson" as I put him in the stroller as made our way to the food court
"Wait don't I get a kiss, my hand hurts from all that holding of the camera" I asked hoping she would at least give me a quick kiss
"Nice try Hudson" she said while heading toward the food courts
Finn POV
After we finished eating and sat and chit chated for a while Chris said he wanted to walk. So I put the bag in his stroller and I pushed the stroller while she held his hand.
"Momma., can I get paint on my face too!! Pwease, pwetty pweaseeeee" Chris asked doing his puppy dog face she looked at me and I jut nodded my head for a yes
"Sure" she said then he started hugging her and ran over to the booth
"I want to look like that one" he said as he pointed toward the tiger face paint
"Alright" I said while handing him the five dollars
"Finn, I could've paid for that" Rachel said
"My treat" I said smirking
After waiting for ten minutes, Chris jumped off the chair and roared. Then he saw a guy making balloons, and asked for one. Rachel said no and he made his sad face and the guy saw him and looked up at Rachel and said
"Here, have a sword" and he handed Chris a sword
"And for the lady" he said and handed Rachel a balloon flower ,he was eying her up and down, which I found unprofessional. I got a little angry and asked
"How much" he completely ignored me and told Rachel
"On the house" I then said thank you and pulled Rachel and Chris away yelling
"My family appreciates it" Rachel just lifted her eyebrow and turned to face me smiling
"What?" I said
"Was finny jealous of the balloon maker?" Rachel asked smirking
"Whatttt? Pshhhh," of course I was..n't me and Rachel are just friends, who share a child with my DNA and her DNA. I mean I love her, but I don't get jealous anymore, it's not like we're together, unless she wants to be
"Mmhhhhh" she said while putting a tired looking Chris in the stroller and handing me the bag
"Alright baby, one more animal and then we have to go home ok?"
Rachel told Chris, I didn't even realize it was 4:54
"Can we see..."he yawned "the dinosaurs that live in the water" yawn again "that looked like logs"
"I think he meant crocodiles " I whispered toward Rachel
"Sure baby.....i know" she whispered back smiling
Rachel POV
Today was a good day. We had fun and a couple good laughs. Finn was totally jealous, but I don't understand why I mean he was a balloon maker for crying out loud! I now know Finn wants to get back together but I can't, it's just not worth the heartache. Plus we had a great day today just as friends. I do still love Finn but he can't know that, he'll just want to get back together. Chris already fell asleep as soon as I put him in his car seat. He had a pretty good day too, at least I hope it was good for him, but as soon as we get home he's taking a bath!

Finn POV
I had a great time today. You could tell Chris had fun too. I know Rachel had a good time too, probably because we got to spend time together. I want to make her mine soon, that way gross creepy guys don't hit on her at the zoo! I can see it in her eyes, that she still loves me, so there's still hope.

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