Chapter nine

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Rachel POV
Yesterday we went to the zoo which was great, until we came home. I did the one thing I didn't want to do.

Finn POV
Yesterday after we came home and Rachel and me gave Chris a bath, the best thing happened.
//last night//
*After Chris had taken a bath and put his pajamas on
"Momma can you sing for me" I looked at Rachel who had a soaking wet shirt and then she just smiled and said
"Ok, I'll sing your favorite" she said and I already knew what she was going to sing, her favorite that she use to sing to Chris when she was pregnant, so only naturally that hers was his favorite too

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are"

She whispered the last part than left a sleeping Chris. She closed the door behind her and walked down the stairs Chris's laundry hamper and headed toward the laundry room.
"That was beautiful, you know" I told her while crossing my arms
"Thank you " she said while putting the clothes to dry, she then took off her shirt and was only in her bra and shorts. I just stared at her, she looked gorgeous
"What, it's not like you haven't seen me naked, and I need to wash clothes too" she said while going upstairs to I'm assuming change
"I know, but still" I said while waiting for her to come downstairs,

she came down in a tank top and shorts, I'll admit I got a little tight in my jeans. She continued to wash her clothes and Chris's. I went upstairs and got my dirty clothes. Since I don't know how to wash I came back downstairs and she looked at me like I head three heads.

"What's this? I'm not your maid" she said looking at my laundry
"I know, but I was hoping you me" I said kind of ashamed
"Finn, do you still not know how to use a washing machine?" She asked
"No" I said looking down, I saw her smile and she walked toward me and lifted up my chin and said
"I'll help you" she said dragging me toward the washing machines
"Ok" she was explaining all the things I should and shouldn't do, but I couldn't pay attention, she just so beautiful, even if she isn't wearing makeup and is in shorts and a tank top. I was brought back by her saying
"Show me which one you press to start the washing machine" I was looking for the button but I couldn't find it so she said
"I'll just show you tomorrow when you're awake" she said walking up the stairs but I felt bad
So I grabbed her hand to stop her and I kissed her.
*warning sexual scene approaching
To my surprise she didn't pull away. I kissed her with so much passion and love.  She wrapped her legs around me, and kissed me back harder. I was nibbling at her lip asking for entrance, which she gladly accepted. I placed my hand on her butt and squeezed it. She pulled away out of breath and said
"I still love you, Finn" she whispered as she had her forehead on mine
"I love you Rachel, I never stopped"
Then she took me upstairs toward her bedroom. I lightly pushed her on the bed and I started sucking on her neck. She moaned in pleasure, pulling off my pants and shirt, leaving me in my boxers. After I stopped sucking her neck leaving a huge hickey, I took off her tank top and shorts leaving her in her underwear. Then she pushed me over so she was on top and started kissing my chest, I let out a loud moan. She than made her way down taking off my boxers so I turned her over kissing my way down taking off her underwire with my teeth. she looked at me and pulled me toward her face and just started kissing each other. I slowly entered her while we were kissing and she let out another moan. Her body had an orgasm, and we continued all night long. Finally we fell asleep naked in each other's arms but not before we said
"I love you Finn" Rachel said while having her arm around me and I played with her hair while saying
"I love you Rachel"
*back to reality
Finn POV
Best night ever! Not only did me and Rachel make love but she said she still loved me

Rachel POV
I think I'm just going to let it happen. I give up with trying to stop my feelings, since I clearly failed last night. I do love Finn but I don't know what it means for us. I should ask him right now
"Hey Finn, so are we like together now?" I asked
"Well do you want to be, because I know I do" he replied looking into her eyes
"Yes, but I'm just worried what will happen when you leave to go back to the army" I told him
"I don't know what's going to happen but I do know, that I love you, and I want you to be with me, so will you be my girlfriend" he asked me,
"Of course" I said while kissing him on the lips, it then turned into a make out session
"Oh going for round two mr. Hudson" I said smirking
"Only if you're ready" he said turning me so he was on top. He was about to kiss me when we heard a little knock on the door
"Mommy, daddy, there's some won hitting our door" Chris yelled through the door
I looked at Finn who had the same confused look I had
"Are you expecting anyone?" I asked curiously
"No, are you?" He asked
"No" we both got up
I put on my bathrobe because I didn't feel like putting clothes on and Finn just put his boxers on. He opened the door and picked up Chris and the three of us walked downstairs and we heard loud knocking on the door. I opened it to see the last person I wanted to see.

Authors note
I DO NOT WRITE THE SEXUAL SCENES!!!!! My friend does, because all that stuff is too uncomfortable to write. Anyway who do you think the mystery person is????

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