Chapter three

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Rachel POV
6:00 a.m.
I just arrived home, and it's awfully quiet. Everyone's probably sleeping so I have to move around really quietly. I live here with sam and Chris and I have no idea where either of them are, probably sleeping. I'm going to go and pack Chris and I's things. I can't face sam after what I did, and I'm still unsure of what went down with sam and Finn weeks before the wedding. As I'm walking toward Chris's room I hear a noise, I think someone's in Chris's room! So I run in with my purse ready to hit anyone trying to hurt my baby.

Finn POV
After I told Santana everything, she hit me in the head. It kind of hurt. I took Chris from San and I went to Rachel's apartment to put him down to sleep, no one was home so I stayed with him. I couldn't sleep with everything going on in my head so I sat in the chair in Chris's room. I told Santana everything, since Chris kind of gave me away. I was watching my little boy sleep when I hear the door to his room turning, I think Sam's home, but no one told him I was staying here soo....this could get awkward. Only San and sam know what happened. I was getting up to see when someone hits me in the head with a...bag? And they hit pretty hard

Rachel POV
I turn the knob to Chris's room when I see him fast asleep and a figure getting up so I use all my strength and hit the person with my bag.
"Owww" that sounded all too much like Finns voice so I drag him out, since my heavy sleeper son is..well...sleeping.
"Finn?" I question, still a little unsure
"Rachel? what are you doing here?" He asked me
"Umm this is my house, what are you doing here!?? I thought Kurt was taking care of Chris!" I was kind of angry at Kurt not telling me this VERY important information.
"When I went to the after party to see Chris, my son, Santana had him and she gave him to me" Finn said crossing his arms
Right now I really didn't care that Kurt was a liar and didn't bother to tell me who had my kid, but I'm more curious on how he knew where I lived. It seems as if he's hiding something from me. Then I cross my arms and say
"How do you know where I live Finn?" I asked with an eyebrow raise
he instantly got nervous and started stuttering
"Umm......S-Santana told me" he said sweating now
"Why are you lying to me" I asked him because I know him all too well
He sighed and looked at me knowing I wouldn't let this go. Then to add more chaos sam walked into the house. Sam was happy that he saw me and then he looked over at Finn and instantly got angry.
"What are you doing here Finn?" Sam asked
"I'm staying here with MY son" Finn replied just as angry
"Well this is MY house, and I think you should leave" sam yelled
"Would you both just shut up, Chris is sleeping" I whispered in a harsh tone at them
"Well I'm staying, for Chris" Finn said and sat down on the couch
"Well I think you should stay at a hotel!" Sam said
"Would you be quiet OUR kid is trying to sleep" Finn said while pointing toward me and him
"Well I need to talk to MY fiancé in private" sam said pretty loud, AGAIN,
"Well I was talking to Rachel MY sons mother, before you got here" Finn said pretty loud AS WELL,
I just put my hand on my forehead and went to my room to finish packing Chris and I's things. I'm pretty sure they are still arguing and didn't even notice I walked away, then I heard that horrible sound. I walked back in the living room only to find Sam and Finn fighting again! God this is high school all over again.
"You guys STOP! Chris is sleeping!" I tried yelling loud enough for them to hear and then I hear a little voice behind
"Mommy, why is daddy hitting Sam?" Chris asked while rubbing his eyes he was holding the blanket Finn gave him wayyyyy back before he was born. I just grabbed him in my arms and I told him to yell like mommy does at Santana and Kurt when they don't listen,
"HEY, STOP KILLINGS EACH OTHWERS!" Chris yelled just like me, I'm so proud. He truly is MY son.

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