Everyone grabs a plate and piles it full of everything before grabbing a seat at the table. I just snack on a bit of everything while watching them like I did last night. I look down at my watch; 6:52... 'Bout time we should head out,' I sigh a bit after thinking this which causes the others to look at me curiously.

I wave their gazes off, grab a few more pieces of bacon and walk over to my room and head in. I head to the dress or and get out a new flight suit, easily slipping on the bottoms I put the black top over my head and slide it on. I designed these suits specifically for us winged beings; two slits with zippers run up the back of it, so all you have to do is zip it up once it's on and down when you want it off.

To make sure the zipper stays pressed up smoothly against where the wings meet your back a device keeps it from moving or catching on your down feathers when on. The only problem with this is getting it to zip up, since it's on your back it takes practice to do it yourself.

Zipping up the two zippers and pulling on the long sleeves I go back to the opened dresser and grab five similar looking flight tops and bottoms. Before going back out with the the suits I slip on some sweat pants.

Walking out with the shirts on one arm and the pants on the other I find the five are done eating and cleaning up. I put the suits on the couch and watch as they converse as they work. With five of them it doesn't take them long to finish and head over to the couches by me.

Grabbing the suits up I go to each of them and hand them a pair specifically suited to ones height and build, though not completely since I have to tailor them once we arrive home... Taking the two articles of clothing they ask what it is exactly; "They're flight suits, as I call them, and they're modified to keep body warmth in and cold air out. They're also very light, as you can see, and very flexible."

Dax grips the shirt at each end and stretches his arms out, making the shirt stretch far with ought breaking and retain its shape once slackened on. They go to each of their rooms to put them on, coming back with sweatpants over the flight pants. I motion for Celia to come over, causing her to jump in surprise a bit and point to herself.

I smile and nod my head. She hesitates a bit before shuffling over to stand before my. I grab her shoulders and spin her around, which causes her to tense up immediately. Slowly running my hand across one of her spotted wings I try and get a feel for them. 'Smooth and hard like iron but lighter than it...'

Running my hands over the outer edges of her faint looking wings I meet where they touch her back. Flipping up the small shirt flap between her wings I study the space where wing meets back. Of course she's freaking out by now and completely embarrassed, though too scared to move away from my wandering touch. I finish up my inspection and zip up her slits, patting her shoulders to let her know that I'm done now.

"There, that should be better. So, who's next?" Celia once again hides behind Alex, trying to hide as much as herself as possible. The others look a bit uncomfortable to step up, so Nasir takes my offer up first;

"Aight, guess I'm next..." He quickly walks up to me and turns around, placing his hands across his chest in annoyance. I chuckle lowly and take a knee so that I'm level with his back. Studying his wings intently, I start at the center of his wings. Slowly feeling the protruding bone I find it very hard and very stable, more like enhanced stone than bone.

Moving up the bone I study how it connects to other bones and stays locked, sometimes feeling the soft brown pycnofibers that make up most of his wings. After inspecting the tips of his wings I zip him up and gently pat his back to send him off. Next up is Maisy, who happily turns around for me to inspect her wings.

I find her wings the most fascinating of all of them; the texture like a bats and the colors meld together to form something truly extraordinary. I hum in content at her wings, causing her to plaster on a bright smile. Before zipping her up I spot a curling bump showing around her left leg. "You know-" I tap the twirling protrusion, "I designed your pants to accommodate a tale by having a hole built into the back of it."

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