Even later during choir, she sat by Darren instead of her usual spot beside Madison and Michael.

I didn't really know what was up with her but it probably had something to do with that apology.

I know Lauren didn't hate Madison. She loved the girl. But she hated what she did to me and I think that's why she hasn't been able to let go of her grudge. I know a part of her wants to apologize and get her "best friend" back but another just wants to rip her apart. But to avoid either of those sides of her, she neglects to acknowledge anything.

And I thought she would be like that for the rest of the day, but after 6th period, she waited for the hall to clear up and for me to packed up my things. She then pulled me into the hall and wore the most unreadable expression.

She took a deep breath before she rubbed her arm and met my gaze, "Camz, look, I'm sorry for being rude to you this morning. That was way out of line. I just have a lot of shit piling up on me and I'm feeling really suffocated."

I sadly smiled at her, "It's fine Lo. Don't worry about it, I know you have a lot of things on your mind."

"Are you sure? Maybe I could make it up to you?"

A smiled creeped onto my lips, "Now I'm listening."

Lauren smirked, "I mean like a date. You perv."

I blushed, "Oh, a date?"

"Yeah, we've never exactly been on one and I want to take you out." Lauren shrugged with a shy smile.

She's so cute.

I smiled, "Sure. I just have a lab I have to make up today, but I'll be done within two hours, hopefully."

"Cool. So it's a date?"

"It's a date." I confirmed.

"Alright, just call me when you finish up and I'll come pick you up."

"I think I can walk or take the bus or something..."

Lauren laughed, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah, I mean-"

"Camz, I'm not going to let my girlfriend walk home or take public transportation. What type of girlfriend would I be if I allowed that?"

"I don't know..."

"A bad one. That's what. I know I don't know a lot of stuff but I do know that I'm not going to let you get home by yourself, someone could kidnap you or hurt you."

"It's okay Lauren, I've done it before-"

"-well, you're never going to go it again."


"-call me when you're done babe." Lauren interrupted before she pecked my lips, "I love you."

I gave in, "I love you too." I mumbled.

She smiled one more time before she left. I sighed to myself and made my way towards the biology classroom.

There, I met my partner. I didn't really know her that well, but we randomly got put into a group together because of a little thing my teacher likes to call, natural selection. He's a nerd I know. But anyway, Haliee was new to the school and hasn't really settled in yet. She was a little quiet and reserved but nice overall. She reminded me a little bit of me when I was new here too. So in a way, I enjoyed her presence, because I had a feeling she was actually a pretty cool girl.

So anyway, Haliee and I had been working on a lab about human heart regulation. Since we missed class the other day, our teacher was gracious enough to give us the opportunity to make it up and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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