Chapter Twelve - Jumpy

Start from the beginning

"Allie, I love you." Sirius said, it was not the first time he had told me, though I had yet to say it back. I couldn't say it until I told him.

I held back tears as I took Sirius's hand in my own, "I'm not normal Sirius. Far from it... and neither is my family. We get these gifts... powers... some come like mine did, through blood and magic... but others come like Remus's... through trauma... and these powers, I can't help them." I said sadly, "The visions come whenever they please, and there are more then that... fire... water... the elements... not to mention that I have slight medamorphagus powers... I am in no way normal Sirius..."

Sirius while looked shocked looked deeply into my eyes, "And that Allie, is why I love you." He said, and his voice showed how he felt. It was full of love and compassion. "I love you because you aren't normal, and thank god your not Allie, because if you were there is no way you would be with a git like me. I'm not normal either Allie. I am the only Gryffindor in a family of Slythrins. I was practically labelled a blood traitor the day I was born." He paused for a moment, "No one is normal Allie, and thank god for that. That would be a insanely boring world... because we don't follow some dictionary's definition of normal. We follow our own. I'm normal Allie, but I'm not. I am me and that is all I ever need to be. Do you need me to be more Allie?" He said, his words brought tears to my eyes.

I threw myself on him and placed a large kiss on his lips. He needily kissed back, and when we parted I looked directly into his eyes. "I love you so much Sirius Orion Black. Don't you ever forget that, because you are the only one for me." I told him, he nodded, and I could tell he was fighting off some emotions as well.

We both laid back down on the rock, our hands locked together so no force could separate us. My head was rested on his chest, and his steady breath sent a calming wave through me. For the first time in a while I felt overjoyed. I felt safe.... something everyone had trouble finding now a days with the war going on. A war I knew would get a lot worse in time. A war that would not be ending any time soon.

"When I was a kid..." I began starring up to the sky, "I used to believe in fairy tales, the ones muggles tell... and I had always believed that a prince would come and save me and my family. I thought that some man would come into our lives and save Remus from the moon, make me feel safe... but by the time I went to school I had given up." I whispered to him, "Sirius... you've made me believe again."

Sirius let go of my hand and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Good." He breathed, "Because you are defiantly the princess I have been waiting for."

We soon found ourselves in laughter. A never dying laughter that was just contagious... though when we finally calmed down I felt nothing but peace with him. For once in the past two months I had no fear of a vision. I felt safe.

The moon slowly made its way up into the sky. I was transfixed by its beauty. "It's beautiful... isn't it?" I said softly to Sirius, he nodded.

"As a child... I would always wonder if there really was a man on the moon." He told me, I let out a girlish giggle.

"Really?" I asked him, I let out a sigh, "I personally was always afraid of the moon... but I guess that's because of a moon like this one... when it's full and Remus.... REMUS!" I screamed.

We had forgotten it was the full moon.

And all Remus had was James and Peter.

We began our run to the whomping willow, losing our breath as we ran.

I felt tears pour down my face as I continued to run.

As we got closer I could hear my brothers screams.

I could hear the panicked calls of James in his deer form.

I had never run that fast in my life before.

We had forgotten it was the full moon.

How could I ever forget?

How could Remus ever forgive me?

I woke up the next morning in the infirmary with little memory of what had happened the night before. I remembered forgetting the moon. I remember the running... but had I reached the whomping willow? Was I able to keep my brother safe?

I heard voices around me. I had kept my eyes closed. I did not want to face the world yet... I didn't want to know who was holding each of my hands, on either side of the bed.

"It's all my fault." I heard Remus say, I fought the urge to smack him. It obviously was my fault.

"No Remus, it was mine... If I hadn't have forgotten..." I heard Sirius say sadly, I could practically feel my brothers anger... though that might have just been a twin thing...

"IF I WASN'T WHAT I AM SHE WOULDN'T HAVE GONE NEAR THAT F*CKING TREE! IF I WAS NORMAL SHE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS MESS!" Remus yelled, I was surprised that the matron hadn't done anything about their arguing.

"Moony... it wasn't your fault." I heard James say, but once again my brother spoke.


I knew it was time for me to wake. Time for me to calm down my brother, as the buffoons by my bed had no hope. Only someone who had known Remus his whole life could do it.

I opened my eyes and noticed the marauders sitting around my bed, in one hand was Sirius's, and the other was Remus's, I was quite glad it wasn't as tense as his other hand.

"Remus John Lupin, don't you dare blame this on yourself. I was a reckless idiot who forgot that it was a freaking full moon. I should have remembered, and because I didn't you are a mess, I am a mess, and everyone else here is a mess." I said angrily, "You need me."

Remus went to protest but I cut him off, "I am far stronger then any of you think." I said angrily, "If you knew what I went through when I randomly passed out, or what dreams haunted me, well you would give me a prize for still being sane!" I said frustrated, "So don't you dare think of me as your poor baby sister who just got hurt. I am strong. I  need to be strong."

"Alexandra it's my fault." Remus said weakly, I let out a frustrated groan.

"I don't give a rat's arse who's fault it was! I'm fine, your fine, everyone is going to be okay. I am not a werewolf, they aren't, everyone is okay." I said frustrated, "Everyone out! You all haven't slept yet and I will not be at fault for that, understood!" I said in a motherly tone, they nodded.

"Yes Allie." They said before they all left, Sirius giving me a peck on the lips, which received a glare from Remus. The other three had left but Remus paused in the door to look back at me.

"Go on now Remmy. You need sleep more then any of them." I said softly, he nodded, "I love you." I said softly, he nodded once again.

"I love you too Allie." He said, and then left the hospital wing closing the door behind him.

I let out a sigh and let my eyes grow heavy as I myself fell into a well needed sleep.


Okay, so I am really sorry for not updating for five months.... But here you go!

I will try to update more often... but reminders help.

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