Chapter Three - You Take My Garbage I Take Your Soul

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We left the pub and we were in a back alley of sorts... Remus clicked a few bricks and they separated exposing a street lined with colourful shops and many people of different ages and sizes. Remus grabbed my hand and I barely managed a 'wow' before we started down the street, his freinds close behind us. I could hear them snickering about diffrent things when I realized I didn't know if Remus had told these friends... um... James, Sirius and Peter, if he was a werewolf... and if they thought I didn't know and they knew they were obviously daft. I'm his twin sister for goodness sakes!

"Let's go get robes first Al, I think we all need them." He luaghed and pulled me into a robe shop, I looked at my list. It said I needed formal robes as well, so after the semstress had finished messuring me and had gotten me some school robes I picked out a red dress. James gave me an odd look, I was wearing a red dress and getting another. "She really likes red." Remus exsplained, I threw my hands up in the air over dramaticly. They all gave me even weirder looks.

"I do not really like red." I told them, "I adore red. It is my lucky color. Nothing ever happens while I am wearing the color red. Even on days when I do not wear it I draw a red circle on my hand. I can't stand the color green. I hate that color... no I despise it. Anything to do with green brings me really bad luck... and the ones around me." I sent a quick glance towards Remus, "And I am not talking about little things, I mean yes they are little things... but sometimes they are life changing and I feel like that anything that happens when I wear green is my fault and for somethings I can never appoligize enough."

After my long heart warming and tear jerking speach Sirius was the first to speak, and he said the stupid thing I thought about earlier.

"So you do know about that!"


That was the sound of three people hitting Sirius across the head. I just laughed. "You Sirius are an igit." I said smiling, each of the boys (apart from Remus) gave me a confussed look. "You guys really know nothing... It's a good thing I'm going to Hogwarts."

"Wait!" James started,

"You..." Peter conintued,

"Are..." James continued,

"Coming to Hogwarts?" Sirius finished, I nodded smirking.

"Guys, I'm surprised Remus didn't tell you... Sister of the goody goody got exspelled. My parents inroled me at Hogwarts so Remmy boy here could 'Keep an eye on me'." I said using air qoutes on 'keep an eye on me'.

"What did you do?" James asked in awe, Remus glared at me and I gave him a big grin. I didn't say anything because Remus did.

"She got exspelled for pranking." Remus said giving me that she got in trouble look. I narrowed my eyes at him. The boys loked between us but I calmed down, but they had noticed the flames. They looked at me, but I sent them a warning glare.

"What..." Sirius started I shock my head. Remus took my wrapper which I had pulled from my coat pocket, it was a wrapper to a Mars bar.

"You take my garbage I take your soul." I said looking at him, he and his friends just gave me an odd look and we kept walking, but I heard them whisper.

"Moony your sisters weird." I think James said, I saw Remus grin.

"I know."


We continued our shopping, and then our final stop was the pet shop.

"Are you getting an owl?" Sirius asked me, "Remus has one... It's a family owl isn't it?" He continued, I smiled.

"Mhm, Luna... But I want a kitten." I told him, he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "What? Can't a girl like a cat?"

"No... It's just..."

"None of your business. Come on Remmy, let's go get me a kitty."

Twenty minutes later we left the shop and I held an orange tabby, Sirius glared at it and Peter swooned over it as if it were a hot girl. I sort of held her away from him after that. James smiled at the kitten and kept saying about how I should name it Lily. Remus, who had told me all about James crush on Lily laughed at my disgusted face. I shock my head no and just started at my kitten. She had a look on her face that was gentle and calm, yet playful and troublesome at the same time, it was quite cute.

"Red." I said looking at the small cat, "It's name is Red... Hopefully it will bring her luck. Just like the colour has brought me." I said smiling gently stroking the kittens head, I kissed her head.

"You and the colour red." Remus sighed, "You know mum will adore her right?"

I giggled and nodded, "come on... Wait are you coming home or are you hanging out with your friends at one of their places?"

Remus sighed, "Sorry Allie..." I shock my head.

"I understand now Remus, you don't have to worry about our time together now... I'm going to Hogwarts with you... Just be safe... I'll miss you." I whispered into my brothers ear, he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "I love you Remmy, I'll see you in two weeks."

"I love you to Al, see you in two weeks..." He said, I released from the hug and threw powder into the fire place. I was back in our house with my kitten, mum rushed over and cooed over her and I smiled.

"Remus left for the Potters?" My mum asked, I nodded. She smiled and pulled me into a hug, "So what's this little guys name?"

"Red. Her name is Red."

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