4 (Movies)

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Me: *reading Goten's diary* hehehe! He'll never catch me!

Goten: Geli! There's- what are you reading?

Me: *throws the book under the bed* Nothing! What is it Tena?

Goten: Um, there's someone at the door looking for you. I think she said her name is Vicky or something?

Me: *thinks for a minute* Oh! That's my friend Victoria! I think Tianna told her the address...she's one of your fans!

Goten: Oh! Well, let's go down and greet her!

(Goten and I go down and welcome her inside. Victoria has a blue beanie covering her long black hair and big blue glasses framing her brown eyes.)

Goten and I: Hiya Victoria!

Victoria: Hey guys! Thanks for letting me in! *hugs both of us tightly*

Goten: Oh! Uh, wow. You are strong.

Victoria: Oops! Sorry! I'm a bit energized right now.

Me: Well, it's cool.

Goten: *whispers* Is she sayain?

Me: *whispers back* Nah, she's human.

(Tianna walks downstairs into the living room, where we are. She rubs her eyes and looks at us.)

Tianna: Oh. Hey Victoria!

Victoria: TIANNA! *runs up to her and suffocates her in a hug*

Tianna: Al-alright!

Goten: So, um...any dares Geli?

Me: Uh, yeah!

Victoria: Ooh! What is it? What is it? *runs behind me and looks over my shoulder*

Me: Okay, it's for Vegeta.

Goten: I'll get him. *flies off to find Vegeta*

Me: Well, while that's happening, I guess I can just tell you readers out there to comment some dares and questions! It can be simple ones, or extravagant ones!

Vegeta: LET GO OF ME GOTEN! *flys down to the ground*

Goten: Quit being grumpy! *pulls him towards us*

Me: If it isn't the lovely Vegeta!

Vegeta: Be quit, girl!

Victoria: She has a name!

Vegeta: Quiet glasses!

Victoria: It's Victoria!

Tianna: Vegeta stop! Now let's just do this! You're giving me a headache and you've only been here for five seconds!

Vegeta: Whatever. Do what, worm? *crosses arms*

Goten: *sighs* I told you. We have a dare for you!

Vegeta: No.

Tianna: Too bad!

Me: The dare is to... *dramatic pause*

Goten: To?

Vegeta: Just say it woman!

Me: *unfazed* It's to go to the movies with Bulma, Trunks, and Bulla!

Vegeta: I don't do films.

Tianna: Oh well, just do it! It'll be nice bonding time with your family! You do love them don't you?

Vegeta: *grumbles profanities*

Goten: It's settled then. Go back home and ask the girls and Trunks to go to the movies. And let them pick!

Vegeta: *exhales loudly*

Victoria: Stop being grumpy and do it!

Vegeta: Fine. But you owe me. All. Of. You. *flies of in a rush*

Goten: Good job girls! I thought he'd never say yes!

Victoria: Oh well, ya know! *flips hair over shoulder*

Tianna: *laughing at Vic* Your welcome!

Me: Technically he didn't say yes...

Videl: *pops head in doorway* Hey guys! Gohan is going with me to Hawaii along with my family for a few days
. We are going to do fun stuff there, like swimming and training, and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come-

Tianna: I'M PACKING RIGHT NOW! *runs to her room to pack*

Victoria: Oooh! Awesome! I'll met up with you guys later! Bye! *runs out the door to her home*

Me: Hahaha! We'll all be there Videl!

Goten: Thanks!

Videl: *smiles wide* No thank you guys! Now it won't be awkward! You have no clue how annoying my family is.

Goten: No offense, but if they are anything like your dad Hercule, then I have a pretty good idea.

Videl: Yeah. Well, I'm going home now to finish packing, and Goten is still at baseball practice. He'll be home soon. Bye! *waves before flying off*

Me: Thanks for getting Vegeta, Goten.

Goten: No problem, Geli. *hesitates but kisses my cheek*

Me: *blushes*

Goten: *whispers* And I know you were reading my journal!

Me: *runs off* Yikes!

Goten: *runs after me* I'M GONNA GET YOU!

Tianna: *pops back in the room* Be sure to comment dares, questions, and maybe a way to get her out if this! Dang it my shoe! *bends down to tie shoe*

Me: *jumps over her* Woah! Annyeong! *does eye-peace sign*


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