44. Stronger

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-This is the fastest I've ever updated. If you haven't checked out the previous chapter I posted yesterday, please do so before continuing.

Reminder: Addy is Hazel's best friend.

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  Hazel POV (Make sure you read the previous chapter before this one)

Before I even fully register Cordero's words, Baldy is lunging for me.

Rolling away, I try to scramble to feet but Baldy knocks me to the side with his heavy arm.

Skidding across the ground, I scramble for my gun tucked into the waistband of my jeans and pull it out.

Baldy lifts me by my neck the moment my hands clasps around the handle of the gun.

Squirming, I kick him hard in the gut and he releases me roughly. I hit the ground hard.

My palms are sweating and I can't hear anything aside from the ringing of my ears as I see Baldy roar and hover over me.

I fumble with the safety on the gun.

I couldn't do this. I couldn't do this.

Without warning there is a loud gunshot.

Pain emanates through my body as Baldy lands on me, crushing me to the ground.

The gun is inches from my hands and as I try to grab it, I hear more gunshots ringing out through the room.

I'm going to die, I think to myself.

Someone grabs me under the arms and I scream.

"It's me Tesore," Coda exhales, pushing an unconscious Baldy off of me. Coda gingerly helps me up, keeping us low the ground. He clutches his gun in one hand while trying to help me up.

Coda shot Baldy.

When I look around, a few of Cordero's men are on the ground and Cordero is nowhere to be found.

"Tristan and Roberto are here. We have to get out of here while they can still hold off Cordero's men," Coda says, nudging me towards the door. Blood trickles down his temple and he has to blink a few to time to orientate himself. He presses a damp cloth to my abdomen and tells me to hold it.

Before Coda can further instruct me, he is tackled to the ground by one of Cordero's men.

The man punches Coda in the face, catching him off guard.

I pick up a broken plank of wood beside me and prepare to get the guy off of Coda when I am suddenly pulled back.

"Head for the exit. I'll take care of Coda," Aurelio yells, handing Jeremy off to me.

Jeremy limps beside me, trying to stand upright with his broken leg.

"Are you okay?" he asks me as we stay low and try to get out the door alive.

"I'm fine. Your leg..." I trail off, watching Della take down a man headed for Jeremy and I.

Up above near the ceiling rafters, Tristan and Roberto are reloading to scout out the remainder of Cordero's men.

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