Chapter 1- Try the Background

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What, in your opinion, is the worst to experience?

a) walking in on your parents doing 'it'
b) walking in on your mom cheating
c) walking in on your dad cheating, or
d) all of the above?

How about e) none of the above?

I know you're probably all thinking, Why Mel? How is anything worse than that? I'll tell you.

Imagine walking in on your parents (the fourth time) having sex................... With your older brother.

Gross right? Try disturbing. I mean, watching your parents having sex isn't that bad.

Wait, I said that wrong. What I meant was that pretty much everyone in my school has walked in on someone doing 'it' by the time they've reached senior year, so I was already used to it.

But when you catch your mom cheating and she pays you to not say anything, and then a week later you catch your dad doing the same thing, and shutting you up the same way, then you know you have a fucked up family.

Why didn't you just tell them the truth, Mel? I know you're wondering why. And the answer is simple: my family is happy. My parents worked very hard to give my brother and I the life we have. And also, it would look bad for both their images if they got a divorce.

Anyway, now add the icing on top of the cake, and see your older brother (the one you've looked up to your entire life) doing the nasty... With your parents.

I'm sorry, that's not really fair. You don't have to listen to my sob story, I mean hell, we just met!

So let me start over with all the good stuff and if I trust you enough later, we'll get in more detail.

Hi. I'm Melissa Graham. I'm 17 years old, and I go to Malibu High School in California.

I know what you're all thinking, and yes, my family is loaded. But I hate saying that because it makes me sound like a bitch, and I promise you I'm not.

I mean, you'd be loaded too, if you're mom was the best lawyer in all of Southern California, and your dad was a famous surgeon across the United States.

Anyway, like I said, I'm 17, and I go to high school. I have mid length, straight blonde hair, and stormy gray eyes that change to blue and green.

I guess you could say I'm kind of a good girl. I mean, not in the sense that I've never done stuff, because I have.

I definitely party, but I never take it over the top. I drink, but I never get hammered, maybe just a little tipsy. I've had sex, but I'm not a whore and DON'T do it with everybody.

So you're wondering, that doesn't sound like a very good "good girl." Well, add to that the girl who's going to be Valedictorian, the Student Body President, and the captain of the swim team.

I'm pretty well known, but I wouldn't say I'm part of a specific 'popular group.' I'm the kind of girl that says hi to everyone when I see them. I pretty much hang out with everyone, but I still have three best friends of all time:

Catalina McEvans (Caty to me)

Sean McEvans

Luke Crain (I'm the only one allowed to call him Lukas)

Caty and Sean are twins that I met in fourth grade, and I've known Luke my entire life. His dad and my mom have been best friends since they were in middle school.

It's actually kind of freaky, because we are constantly being told that we were meant for each other and we're gonna eventually get married and blah blah blah. He's like my brother and I'd NEVER see him that way.

At school, I'm pretty well known, like I've said, but at home, I'm the outcast, pretty much. My dad is like never home, and my mom is obsessed with my older brother, Jacob.

Jacob is 18, almost 19, but also a senior. That's right. My brother's a dipshit. He had to repeat senior year because he ditched too much. Does my mom care? OF COURSE NOT!! She takes pride in her idiotic son who plays football. And when I say plays football, I mean he plays the bench. He's made the team every year, but hasn't ever had a minute of playing time in those five years.

It's not like her other child is the smartest kid in her class, already has a scholarship for swim (to Pepperdine, of course), and actually has friends.

It's pretty obvious that my mom and I don't get along. Ever since I walked in on her and her 'toy' while dad was out of town, she's given me the cold shoulder.

Earlier, I said that I looked up to Jacob. And I did. When we were younger, I followed him around and he knew it. He was always including me in the stuff he did with his friends. I went to my first party with him freshman year, when he was a sophomore.

I told him everything that was going on in my life, and he told me everything that was going on in his. Granted, it wasn't all good, but it's not like I'm gonna snitch, and I knew he wasn't going to either.

But then he had to go and ruin it, when he had to repeat his last year of high school.

I mean, how the hell do you flunk senior year? Now all the shit I've told him will become his shit too, which he should not have to deal with.

Anyway, now that you know the background, sit back, maybe grab a cold one (of soda, duh), and listen to my story.

And if your not sure if you trust me or not, just take a little leap of faith, and Try Me.


Alright guys, whatcha think?

I know it's just a little background, the story's gonna start next chapter. I just wanted you to get to know the main character a little bit and what's going on in her life.

If anything's confusing, let me know and I'll try to clear it up for you.

I really hope you guys give my story a go, because I'll totally hold it against you if you don't (totally kidding).

To spice things up a little, at the end of each author's note, I'm going to give a chapter joke. I'll post the joke here, and first thing next chapter, I'll say the answer.

If you get it right, I'll shout you out and read your story, if you want me to.

Since I'm posting the next chapter the same time as this one, look for it at the end of chapter 2.

See you guys soon!

*cover done by sophilinni

Word count: 1142

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