Chapter 5- The Not So Great Escape

Começar do início

Now my song is getting thin

I've run out of luck

Time for me to retire now

and become a duck,"

Once we had finished random people were staring at us, some clapping, some glaring. I looked at Dan, who looked at me and we both burst out laughing.

"Thank you, Thank you!" I said dramatically, bowing. Turning back to Howell I asked, "What are we going to do now then?" 

"Want to go to my place?" 

"Sorry, I'm not that kind of girl." 

"What? Oh. I didn't mean like that! I swear!" 

"I was joking idiot." I told him, laughing my head off.

"Phil's going to love you." 

* * * 

We reached his apartment and Dan walked into the elevator.

"Do, um, we have to use that?" I asked, shakily. I hated elevators. Alway's had, alway's will. He nodded and held his arms out to me, which I happily fell into. 

I buried my face in his chest as the lift began moving upwards, trying to calm myself down, when the worst happened.

The elevator broke down. 

"NO! LET ME OUT! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! NO, NO, NO, NO!" I screamed, banging the walls.

"Hey! Sky stop! Okay calm. Breathe." Dan instructed, holding my wrists, preventing me from bashing the walls. 

"I don't want to die, Danny." I told him.

"Were not going to die, okay. Wait, Danny?" 

"Your new nickname." He smiled and then sat down on the floor. I copied his actions, sitting next to him and resting my head on his shoulder.

"So where are you actually from?" He questioned me. 


"So why are you in London?"

"My crazy best girl friend bribed me to break into One Directions tour bus with her, which I did. Then they came back, so I hid, whereas my friend spoke to them, then got off. The bus moved while I was on it and the boys found me, and after a game of 10 questions no answer I did a Ninja roll out of the bus and ran away.

"There was this creepy place and some guy's tried to attack me so I climbd onto a roof that collapsed under me. I sat on this balcony thing and wouldn't get down, but then the Irish one said they had my phone, so I jumped about 30ft. I passed out and then woke uip on the bus again.

"I scared them with my contacts, tourtured two of them mentally and taught the other three how to play Slender Man. Then we went shopping, got mobbed and I ran away. An old lady then hit me over the head with a cane and left me on the grouond to die. I then met a Youtuber and we ran away from One Direction. 

"We then went to ShakeAway and sang the Llama song, where we decided to go to Dan's flat. We had to take the elevator, which broke down. We then began to play 20 questions after I had a freak out and I began telling a long story which went like this. 

"My crazy best friend--" Dan cut me off by placing a hand over my mouth, then laughing his head off. 

"D-do you mind if I make a video about this?" He asked, trying to contain his laughter. 

"Sure. Go ahead. Now how do we get out of here?" 

"Phil. I'll call him." He took his iPhone out of his pocket and dialled a number.

"What's up Dan?" I could faintly hear Phil's voice say from the other side of the line. 

"We're trapped in the lift. Can you tell someone who works here?" I didn't hear his reply, but Dan looked at me before replying.

"I think you'll like them." Phil obviously realised that Dan said 'we're' not 'I'm' and asked who was with him.

"Okay. Bye." He hung up the phone and turned back to me. "Phil's going to get us out." 

I just hoped that it was soon, before I went mad. 

"Llama song?" He nodded and I played it on my phone on repeat. 

We sat like that for about ten mintues, not even noticing that the lift had began moving again. 

"And I thought Dan alone had problems." I turned around, as my back was pacing the door to see Phil stood there in one of his shirts, laughing. 

Then he stopped, staring at me wide-eyed.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "What's wrong?" I asked him, worried. 

"You're Skyisthelimit." I nodded, blushing. 

"How do you know?"

"I watch your videos." 

"He's obsessed with you!" Dan exclaimed from next to me and I turned to look at him.

"So you knew who I was anyway?" 

"Yeah...kinda." He told me, blushing slightly. I grinned evily and touched his neck, remembering from one of his video's that he hated it.

He shuddered and slapped my hands away, glaring at me playfully. 

I smirked and then span back around to face Phil. I hugged him, as I had Dan and he hugged me back for a second before a loud screaming caused us to pull apart. 

"Can I not escape them?!"


"Screwballs." I muttered. Dan was laughing, whereas Phil wore confusion on his face.

"Can we go to your flat now?" I asked, desprate. Phil nodded and led me towards their door. He unlocked it and I ran inside dragging him with me. Just as I was about to shut the door Dan jumped in.

"Where can I hide?"


Okay, so if you didn't understand that last bit, then I shall explain. *She says in a posh accent.*

So she went to Dan and Phil's apartment/flat to escape the boys, but they found her. So she hides:)

This isn't my best, but please don't kill me please! :) Sky is meant to be a Youtuber too, only she isn't as popular as the others yet, just incase you didn't get that:)

I'll update again tomorrow, so you wont have to wait to long.


One Direction, a Tour Bus and MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora