Day 2

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So before starting i just wanna thank who started reading my story. I know there aren't lots of readers now but i thought if i keep publishing people would read so here is the second part enjoy! And tell me if you liked it or not in the comments✌🏻
I woke up with a pillow on my face. My face was hurting so bad and i realized i was crying. First, i couldn't understand what happened than i looked at the clock and i realized i was late and my stupid sister was trying to wake me up by crashing a pillow to my FACE! She was so annoying. She was the only one i couldn't stand in my family. Like seriously, my family was my only friend and she was ruining everything. She is my opposite. She is like the most social girl alive and she has a different boyfriend everyday. Not because she is more beautiful than me i mean she is gorgeous,blonde, has thigh gap blah blah but the only reason she has this amount of boyfriends is that she is charming. I can't even go to talk to a single person while she talks with five people at the same time. She loves people. I just realized i have told you a lot about my annoying sister Rose while being late at the first day of school. Bullshit today is going to be terrible. I just got ready and headed to school. I decided to walk since the school was only 5 minutes from our house. I actually started running because i had only 6 minutes left to my first class. Since i am the most clumsy person in this world i hit someone and made them drop all their books. I didn't know this thing really happened in real life because i just hit the most handsome boy in this world. It took me like 30 seconds to realize he was talking to me.
"Uhm, anyways i need to go to school and thanks for hitting me and not helping me gather my books. You are the kindest." He smirked and started walking. I was still standing there and i heard the bell rang. Holy shit! I was later than a pregnant girl's period! So i just passed my charming prince and ran like a athlete trying to win a marathon. Ok this examples are getting weirder. When i entered the school everyone was at the halls and nobody was trying to go to their classes. I was confused. Than a hand touched me and said:
"You know there is a school right next to us and their classes start 15 mins earlier than ours."
I realized i was fucking stupid and i didn't even have breakfast to go to school 15 mins earlier. I was so hungry. I turned around to see who talked to me. Yes. It was charming. I got lost in his blue eyes. I didn't know what was happening to me. Yeah. I was crushing on him. Like i said because he was hot. I opened my mouth to say sorry about what happened at road but he left me. I was a bit sad because i felt like i could talk to him. I never felt like that to anyone. So i headed to student's office to learn my schedule and learn where my classes are. I got a piece of paper and a boy named Tony. Tony was weird. He said:
"I can be very awkward sometimes but don't be bothered nobody gets annoyed from me in this school. Since you are new you can feel uncomfortable with me but you will get used to it. I will guide you whole day. Any questions?"
"Yeah, Tony look i'm not even comfortable with any people so don't be scared if i scream while trying to talk to you because i can't talk with people easily and i start to shake sometimes."
"Don't worry i'll be fine" he said and smiled. I felt weirdly close to him. I felt like we were friends. I love weird people. That's the only human kind i love actually. I hoped we could be friends with him. So Tony headed me to science laboratory and left me there. Bell rang and i found myself an empty seat and sat down. It was behind the class so i could hardly hear the teacher. It didn't matter because i wasn't even listening. I was watching my charming's football training. He was even hotter with soccer uniform. I was really watching him like i felt i wasn't even in the class i was with him. Until i found myself at the detention room.

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