"Hey, Lucy! Should you really be wandering around in your condition?" Levy mildly interrogated her.

The very-rounded young woman scoffed and ignored her friend'a comment. "I was actually wondering about something."

"Really? What is it?"

"You've been kinda...distracted these past couple of days. I was wondering if there was something bothering you?" Lucy gave her newest friend, a girl she now considered a best friend, a look of worry and concern.

Levy smiled and her worried friend. "Oh, don't worry about me Lu. I've just been thinking lately."

"About what?" she asked curiously.

The shorter girl somewhat pointed to the old woman that was surrounded by the small group of children. "That same darn story that every elder seems to be obsessed with."

"Oh! It's quite interesting, don't you think? Well, it must be if you're thinking about it this much."

"Luce...do you believe in that story?" Levy asked her friend quietly.

Lucy nodded instantly. "Of course I do! Everyone who's lived in Magnolia all their life knows that it's true."

The small blunette suddenly became confused. "I thought that you moved here three years ago?"

Lucy giggled. "I did, but I feel as if I've been here my entire life. It just feels right to call this my official home I guess."

"I'm glad to hear that, but I'm afraid that I will have to disagree with you on that story. There's no way that it's real. A dragon seducing a young and beautiful woman, which ends up getting her pregnant with a half human and half dragon baby? That would never happen!"

"Just because you've never seen it, doesn't mean that it's a made-up story," Lucy reminded her short little friend.

"I know that. But this story seems too far-fetched," she grumbled out.

"I wish that I could prove it to you, but traveling to the Stone Mountains Cave is a straight up death sentence." Lucy shivered at the thought of coming face-to-face with the monster.

"Wait a minute...LUCY THAT'S IT!" Levy screeched out, jumping into the air in pure excitement.

Lucy grew pale. "Um...what do you mean?"

"If I travel to the cave and take a picture of the obviously empty place, I can prove it to all of you(and her inner mind that's currently deceiving her)that the monster doesn't exist!"

"Levy! Don't do that! That sounds like a very bad idea!" Lucy protested, but it seemed like her friend was now determined to do this.

"I'll be fine, trust me! I'll be back in a weeks time without a single scratch on me!"

Suddenly, levy was pulled into a strong hug, Lucy's protruding belly keeping them a small distance apart. "Levy. You're my best friend, and I don't want to lose my only bookworm friend!"

Levy laughed off her pregnant friend's worries. "I will be just fine Luce. Don't worry about me."

She pulled apart and waved to her goodbye, turning from her and making her way to her small house.

Levy's house was quite cute, painted an orange color. Orange is her favorite color, so for Magnolia to have this house for sale when she came was truly amazing! The blunette had flowers planted around her house, giving it a somewhat enchanted forest feel to it.

When she walked inside her  house, she nearly tripped over a small stack of books that she had forgotten about. Levy easily ran out of room on her bookshelves for her countless number of books, so now her tables and even floor would have to house her books until she could afford more bookshelves, but being the town's librarian didn't pay all that much.

The bookworm quickly ran into her room, pulling out her orange backpack from underneath the bed. Quickly packing a weeks worth of clothing, basic medical supplies, and several of her favorite books, Levy realized that she had no room for her camera.

'Oh well. I'll just have to wear it around my neck with its strap' she thought to herself.

Slinging the rather large and heavy backpack on my shoulder, she trotted out of her room and out of her house, ready to go on her exciting adventure.

When Levy made it to the village gates, she saw Lucy, Juvia, and even Erza standing there with sad looks in their eyes.

"Juvia does not want little Levy to go to the mountains. Juvia is scared that Levy will get hurt and die," the pale blunette choked out.

The short girl pouted slightly and gave each of them a quick hug. "Guys. I promise to you all that I will return in less than a week, a week and a few days at the most. There is absolutely nothing to worry about."

"If this is what you want to do, Levy, then none of us will stop you. Be safe, and fight well if you must," Erza said sharply, handing Levy a very shiny and sharp iron dagger.

She took it and it's holder, slipping it into the side pocket of her pack. "Thank you, Erza. Goodbye guys!"

She waved to them all once more before passing through the gate, beginning her seemingly easy journey.

After all, there was nothing to worry about. The story was just a myth, and nothing more. Levy McGarden was going to prove herself right and everyone else wrong....or so she thought.

The Monster of the Mountains{Fairy Tail}(GaLe)Where stories live. Discover now