Courting Kate: The Boy

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Courting Kate: The Boy

“We had it all, we were just about to fall

  Even more in love, than we were before

  I won't forget, I won't forget about us.” –Don’t Forget, Demi Lovato


Kate was woken by the gentle shaking on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and came face-to-face with the redhead stewardess who has been treating her like she was a part of the Royal Family of England ever since she boarded the plane.

“Hello, miss!” The stewardess greeted. “We’ve arrived in Tahiti.”

Kate sat up and looked around the first class cabin. All of the seats were empty. Before she fell asleep, they were filled with business men in expensive suits and women in designer clothes. Now, they were all gone.

“Where are the other passengers?” She croaked.

The other woman straightened up and smiled. “They have disembarked the plane, Miss Meister.”

Kate gaped. “What time did we land?”

“8:43 P.M.,” The redhead replied as she help Kate stand up and organize her things. Kate glanced at her watch and saw that it was already 9:05. Shit, she thought.

“I’m so sorry for the inconvenience. I wish you woke me up earlier.” Kate apologized and exited the plane. The stewardess was close behind, rolling her own suitcase.

“It’s okay, Miss Meister. Don’t worry,” she said. “We were given specific orders to let you— I mean, all of our customers rest as much as possible.”

Kate smiled at the woman. Her earlier irritation towards her was quickly fading. “Thanks. I needed it.” They parted at the immigration checkpoint. After passing that, Kate went to get her suitcases.  She was about to get a cab when a hand fell on her arm. Kate jumped and looked up to the man looming in front of her.

“Are you Miss Katherine Meister?” The man, who resembled the WWE wrestler, Big Show, asked. Kate gulped and nodded. “Come with me then.”

Oh, no! Why did she nod? Kate thought. This man could be a killer or something. And now he is dragging her along with her suitcases towards a black SUV. Don’t they use SUVs when they kidnap people?

“Uh, Mister… on second thought,” Kate spoke in a shaky voice. “I think you have the wrong Katherine Meister. You see, I don’t know—”

“Are you the one who won a trip this country?” Big Show asked. Again, she nodded. Oh, why does she keep doing that? “Then you are the Katherine Meister I was waiting for.”

“You were waiting for me?” Kate’s eyes widened.

Big Show nodded as he opened the door to the SUV. “This is compliments of the hotel. We don’t let our guests take the cab from the airport.” He grinned and his scary was instantly transformed. “Maeva!” And he shut the door. He got into the driver’s seat after loading her bags and started the car.

Kate was so confused. No one told her that the hotel would send someone to pick her up at the airport. And what is the meaning of Big Show’s last remark? Immediately, Kate pulled out from her bag the travel guide Gwynn gave her.

She scanned the pages, looking for the useful simple phrases and then she saw it.

Maeva means welcome in Tahitian. Manava also means the same. Kate sighed and leant back on the her seat. She should have studied these simple words rather than sleep for the most part of her eight-hour flight.

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