Chapter 1: Dinner

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~Hey guys! This is my second story... tell me how you like it! I don't really know if it should be classified as Humor but...

BTW Um... I really hope no body copies this story... im actually proud of it so if you see anybody that has then please say something? Thanks :)

Chapter 1


Hello, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ammie Carter. I am--- Ah lets cut the crap. My life sucks. I'm 17, never had a boyfriend and never even had my first kiss. I'm always bullied and teased. Most of the kids in my school have no idea that I even exist. The ones that do won't leave me alone.


I sat on my bed, looking at an extremely attractive man. Ahem.... extremely sexy man. 

Ah, I wish that posters could come alive.

I turned away from Chris Hemsworth and walked over to my mirror. 

"Ammie! Dinner!" my mom called up the stairs.

"Coming!" I looked in the mirror and pulled up my long blonde hair into a pony tail. I tromped down the stairs and sat down in my chair at the table. There was a pile of homemade sandwiches. They looked delicious!

I grabbed one and took a huge bite, chewing noisily.

"Mom! Make Ammie stop! Its gross!" said my little 13 year old brother Jim.

I answered my opening my mouth.

"EW!" he squealed while running out of the kitchen. The only problem was, when he started running he tripped over the chair he was sitting on and face planted onto the hardwood floor.

I snorted when I laughed... not a good Idea.... I began choking to death. I grabbed around trying to find some sort of liquid to help the piece of food lodged in my throat to move. Instead of picking it up like a normal human should, I accidentally hit it with my hand.

Found it... great. now it looks like I peed myself!

It. Was. Freaking. Cold. I jumped up as quick as I could, but also did the same thing my brother did. I tripped on the chair and fell into the wet puddle on the floor. I stood up in shame and began to drip my way to my room.

On my way there, Jim stood in front of me. I dodged him, locking my door behind me.

Just kidding.

I actually didn't see him until we hit were hitting our heads together with a painful sounding crack.

"Owwwwwwwww!" he said.... and then he saw my pants. "Did-did you wet yourself?" he said shaking with laughter.

"No!" I yelled as I ran to my bathroom. I locked my door, shucking my pants off.

Urgggg. It really did look like I wet my pants!

I dug in my drawer, finding my pajamas. It was my favorite pair... or rather, my favorite pair of pants. I usually just wore whatever big shirt I could find at the time. But the pants were mens pants with The Nightmare Before Christmas logo on it.


So yeah, since my 12 year old writing is horrible I have decided to edit a bit... I won't change the story too much.. just fix how horrible it was :)

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