Meet and Greet: Chapter 11

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jen's POV

After Harry drifted off Emma and i decided to bury him in the sand..‭ ‬well SHE started it..‭ ‬mommy just encouraged her bad behaviour.

‭"‬Baby you missed a spot right there.‭" ‬I giggled,‭ ‬pointing to his toes which were sticking out. She giggled and put her buckets over them and grinned,‭ ‬before standing on him.

‭"‬it's a Hawwy Cathle‭!!!!" ‬she grinned,‭ '‬And I da pwintess‭!" ‬Oh my goodness.‭ ‬Do I have an epic kid or what‭? ‬After a moment Harry woke and looked up at Emma and she just batted her eyes at him and grinned.

‭'‬Hi hawwy..‭ ‬you felled a sweep....‭" ‬she grinned. His eyes went from Emma,‭ ‬to the pile of sand,‭ ‬then back to Emma again.

‭"‬Why am I covered in sand‭?" ‬he whined.

‭"‬Cuz you felled asweep....‭ ‬now shhh,‭ ‬castles don’t talk,‭' ‬she smiled.

‭"‬This one does.‭" ‬he says. He attempted to break free of the sand trap,‭ ‬but apparently it was proving to be a tad difficult.‭ "‬Or at least it's supposed to move.‭"

Emma giggled,‭ "‬You want me to dig you out daddy‭?" ‬Woah‭! ‬Woah‭! ‬Woah‭! ‬Rewind and freeze‭!!! ‬Daddy‭??!?!?!

"oh princess..‭ ‬Harry...‭ ‬not Daddy,‭" ‬he corrected.

‭"‬but...‭ ‬but..‭" ‬she whimpered. Harry looked at me with a‭ '‬what do I do‭?' ‬face.

‭"‬Emma..‭ ‬harry isn't your daddy princess.....‭" ‬I said,‭ ‬softly.

‭"‬But he act like my daddy..‭ ‬takes cares of mes...‭ ‬and buys me tings....‭" ‬she said.

‭"‬Yes but so do the rest...‭ ‬Louis and Niall..‭ ‬they all spoil you princess....‭" ‬I said.

‭"‬so..‭ ‬all uncies‭?" ‬she asked.

I smiled a little.‭ "‬Yeah,‭ ‬they're your Uncies.‭"

"Oh...‭ ‬okies...‭ ‬well come on..‭" ‬she said,‭ ‬getting off him,‭ '‬Climb out...‭"

"I can't.‭" ‬he pouted.‭ "‬You buried me too well.‭"

"You strongs..‭ ‬twy harders‭!!!" ‬she cooed. Harry struggled to break free of the dense sand,‭ ‬but after around ten minutes it finally collapsed.

‭"‬Yay‭!!!" ‬Emma said,‭ ‬bouncing and clapping.

‭"‬And now that I'm free...I'm coming after you‭!" ‬he teased and he started chasing after her. Emma squealed and took off running.‭ ‬I just giggled and watched them.‭ ‬He was so good with her...‭ ‬why must he make it so difficult.....

‭"‬Mama save me‭!!!" ‬squealed Emmy as she ran towards me.

‭"‬Nope‭! ‬you did it‭!!!" ‬I giggled.‭ "‬Put you helped me‭!!!!" ‬she whined,‭ ‬hiding behind me. I smirked and stepped aside.

‭"‬Twaitor‭!" ‬she accused.

Harry grabbed her and began to tickle her like crazy.

‭"‬Hawwy‭! ‬Hawwy‭! ‬Stop‭!" ‬she giggled hysterically.‭ "‬Stop‭! ‬I sowwys‭!"

"Sorry for what‭?" ‬he asked.

‭"‬For burying you‭!" ‬she said as she squirmed in his arms/

‭"‬Will you ever do it again‭?" ‬he asked,‭ ‬tickling the bottom of her feet.

‭"‬Noooooooo,‭ ‬tops it‭!!!" ‬she giggled.

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