Meet and Greet: Chapter 5

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Louis' POV

That night going to bed I was anxious.... i felt so.. cold... it was kinda weird.. I liked Jen and that wasn't supposed to be how it was....

"Lou will you quit moving around up there?" Zayn grumbled sleepily from his bunk below.

"Sorry..." I said, softly, and tried to lay still. "Louis.. can i come up?" I heard Jeny whispered. Oh god... oh god.. what do i say?

'Ermmm....if...if you want to." I stuttered.

She crawled up to lay beside me and smiled, "I think it's working..." she whispered. What’s working? You being beyond beautiful and amazing, i thought to myself


"Yeah." I said softly, feeling myself getting lost in her hazel eyes. "It's working alright."

"Louis... you okay?" she asked, softly, brushing my hair back. "Yup," I whispered, before I tried to back up just a bit. She tried to moved closer and I backed up one more inch before I toppled out of my bunk.

"Louis!" Jen shrieked loudly and 7 sleepy-looking heads popped out from the bunks. "What on Earth is going on?" Liam grunted. "What are yah doing on the floor Louis?" Niall yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Bunk not comfy enough for you?"

"I've fine just rolled out... everyone back to bed..." I said, and climbed back up to Jen. "What on earth Louis?!" she asked. "Sorry... i just.. I couldn't.. I didn't.. I wanted... I don't know..." I said.

"Do you suddenly not want to be near me?"

"I just... this is working yes.. but too well.. I LIKE being close to you," I whispered.

"Louis I don't know what you're....oh no. No, no, no, no, no." she said.

"No? But.. why not?" i pouted.

"Because you only just got out of a two year relationship can’t just dive into another relationship after that." she said gently.

"I'm not diving I’m just..... sitting at the edge of the pool testing the water with my toe....." I said, softly.

"Nice try Tommo."

"I'm sorry Jeny... just do you not... like me at all? Not even a tiny little itty bitty bit?" I asked.

"I don't know I....." she sighed and looked away. "I barely even know how I feel about Harry."

"Oh.... alright," I relented softly.

"Do you still want to carry on with the plan?" she asked, avoiding eye contact.

"yes, I still want to help," I said. Any excuse to be close to her.

"Did you have any ideas how we can....kick it up a notch?" she asked.

"Ummm not really.. not anything I'm comfortable with.... I’d love to kiss you..... but i don’t want to make my feelings worse.." I said, firmly.

Jeny nodded. "I can respect that."

"Good.. can i have my bunk back...." i said.

"I dunno, yours is so much comfier than mine." she teased.

"Jennifer... please," I said, fighting back my tears. "Louis..." she said, softly. "Please.. i was dumped by one girl and rejected by another in one day... let's not make it worse.." I said, softly.

She sighed and slipped out of my bunk without another word.

I curled up and tried not to cry.... This SUCKED!

Jeny's POV

I woke the next morning to check on Emma to see her missing...... I went to each bunk, only to find her snuggled on Harry’s bunk with him, tight to his side and head on his shoulder,r both of them fast asleep.

"Isn't it adorable?" Danielle smiled from the doorway to the bunk area.

"it is..... I'm just surprised she ended up in there and not with Zayn and Perrie," I smiled.

"Yeah that kind of shocked us all." she said. "But Emma said that Zayn's chest is too hard and Harry's more cuddly."

I giggled, "Hmm not sure if that’s a compliment or not," I giggled, "Softer....."

"i think it's code for harry needs to go to the gym more." Danielle laughed.

I giggled, 'Possibly.." Harry began to move, then glanced down to see Emma laying beside him and he put an arm around her and kissed the top of her head, making her move into him more. 'Snuggles,' she said.

'I've never seen her do that with anybody before." I said. "She won't even do that with me."

"She likes him....." she said, "And i know he messed up... but he really likes you..... and i think you two would be cute together... you make more sense..;' she whispered.

"More....sense?" I repeated. 'How exactly do we make more sense?"

"You're both.. strong willed... vibrant.... you just look better together..... i don’t know it's a vibe..." she said, then headed to the tiny kitchen to get brekkie.

I snuck another peek at my daughter and Harry.....they did look really cute all snuggled up like that. Hmmm...maybe Harry does have a good side to him after all??

Vanessa's POV

I rolled my eyes watching Jen even contemplate over her and harry.. her and Louis were sooooo cute and he really liked her it just made no sense to me as to why she was even THINKING about her and harry...

"Stop worrying about her." Niall said, hugging me from behind. 'She's a smart woman."

"I know.. i just... Louis likes her.. and no matter what happens.. someone gets hurt...." I said.

"I know, but it's not worth you worrying your pretty little head over it." he said.

"Alright... alright," I relented.

" that's taken care of, breakfast!" he grinned. I chuckled and followed him in....

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