Meet and Greet: Chapter 7

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Jeny's POV

He stroked her hair back and kissed her forehead.‭ "‬I love you sweet girl,‭" ‬he whispered.

‭"‬I wuv you to Hawwy.‭" ‬she grinned.‭ "‬You is soft and cuddly like a biiiiig teddy.‭"

He chuckled and I just tried to ignore the adorable..‭ ‬my problem..‭ ‬NOT WORKING‭!

'Hawwy you has boogies up your nose.‭" ‬Emmy giggled in her adorable way.

He chuckled and reached for a Kleenex from his pocket and blew his nose.‭ '‬Better‭?" ‬he asked her.

"Yup.‭" ‬she giggled.‭ "‬Be thankful he actually used a tissue this time.‭" ‬smirked Zayn.

‭"‬Ewwwww,‭" ‬she said.

‭"‬Zayn leave harry alone.‭" ‬Niall said.‭ "‬He embarrasses himself enough without us helping him.‭"

I giggled and looked down at my fingers.‭ "‬I do not,‭" ‬harry protested.‭ "‬Look a kitty‭!!!" ‬Emma said,‭ ‬pointing to a stray.

‭'‬kitty‭?!" ‬Harry and I said in unison.

Harry looked at me and I blushed,‭ ‬before i seen the beautiful tabby cat.‭ ‬i stood up and went over,‭ ‬only to have it rub up on me.‭ ‬it had a collar,‭ ‬so i knew it was tame and clean,‭ ‬so I picked it up and coddled it,‭ ‬as he rubbed against my face and purred.

‭ ‬"Hello there pretty kitty.‭" ‬I cooed,‭ ‬scratching between its ears.‭ "‬Are you lost‭?" ‬She just looked at me and i checked her collar,‭ ‬Misty...‭ ‬no address..‭ ‬no number,‭ ‬just her name.

‭ ‬

"She looks so frightened.‭" ‬Harry said,‭ ‬tickling under her chin.

‭"‬She does...‭ ‬poor thing......‭" ‬I cooed.‭ "‬No.....‭" ‬Paul said,‭ ‬shaking his head.‭ "‬Awwww,‭ ‬but Paul...‭ ‬she's so scared...‭" ‬I whined,‭ ‬holding her.‭

"Yeah Paul have a heart.‭" ‬Harry cooed,‭ ‬making his eyes go big like Misty's.

‭"‬I am not paying for that thing‭! ‬and YOU TWO‭!!! ‬WILL be fully responsible‭!" ‬he said,‭ ‬firmly.

‭"‬If we can take care of Niall then we can certainly take care of a kitty.‭" ‬I smirked.

‭"‬Hey‭!!!!" ‬Niall pouted.

‭"‬The lady makes a very good point Paul.‭" ‬Harry chuckled.‭

"Fine‭!" ‬he said,‭ "‬BUT YOU TWO‭! ‬no one else...‭ ‬now go check and see if they have what you need inside‭!" ‬Paul lectured,.

‭"‬Paul yes Paul.‭" ‬Harry saluted,‭ ‬earning an eye roll from the man himself.‭ "‬Just go Styles.‭" ‬he sighed.

I giggled and Nessie took little misty from me so harry and I could go inside and get her some things.‭

"Hey,‭ ‬hey Jen.‭ ‬Take a look at this.‭" ‬laughed Harry.‭ "‬It's so cool‭!"

I turned to see this weird hamburger mouse toy.‭ "‬You are so special Harold...‭" ‬I giggled.

‭"‬I know.‭" ‬he declared proudly.‭ "‬I'm so tempted to get it for her....but someone we know might try to eat it.‭"

"You just talked me into it.‭" ‬he smiled.

‭"‬YAY‭!" ‬I giggled,‭ ‬and grabbed this adorable croc inspired cat bed.‭ ‬After we found everything we spent almost‭ ‬300‭ ‬American dollars on kitty supplies.‭ ‬When we got on board Emma got all of Misty's things in her play area and grinned.

‭'‬YAY‭! ‬Kitty has her own bunk‭!" ‬she smiled.‭ ‬Misty went under and sniffed about,.‭ ‬turned in a few circles in her bed and laid down.

"Good kitty.‭" ‬Emmy grinned.

Misty just closed her eyes and purred as she fell asleep.‭ "‬I love this..‭ ‬a pet on tour.....‭" ‬Harry chuckled.‭ "‬Why does that at have a hamburger‭?!" ‬Niall asked.

‭"‬It must have stolen it from your personal stash Niall.‭" ‬teased Louis.‭

"Sod off‭!" ‬Niall laughed tapping Louis in the nuts.‭ "‬Hey‭!!!" ‬Louis pouted and went into his bunk.‭ "‬So ummm,‭ ‬we have our first pet together..‭ ‬after tour we should discuss custody and visitation,‭" ‬harry chuckled.‭ ‬I busted into laughter.

‭"‬I repeat my line from earlier.‭" ‬I snorted.‭ "‬You are special.‭"


"Thanks..‭ ‬I just wish I was special to you,‭" ‬he whispered in my ear. My heart dropped to my stomach and all the happiness I had been feeling drained out of my body.‭

"harry....‭" ‬I began.‭ "‬Oh I'm sorry...‭" ‬he said,‭ ‬softly,‭ "‬it wasn't meant to upset you‭!"

"Just forget it.‭" ‬I sighed.‭ ‬I went into the back room where Liam,‭ ‬Niall and Nessie were watching a movie and I flopped onto the couch next to her.‭ "‬Having‭ ‬2‭ ‬of the sexiest male species on the planet compete for your affection sucks.‭" ‬I whined,‭ ‬resting my head on her lap.

‭'‬Do they know they are competing‭?" ‬she asked.‭ '‬I'm sure they do...‭" ‬I whined

"They wouldn't be trying this hard if they didn't know.‭" ‬Liam said,‭ ‬his eyes still focused on Megan Fox's arse.‭ "‬You're not helping.‭" ‬Nessie said.

‭"‬I just want them to stop.....‭ ‬i just want to think clearly...‭" ‬I whined.‭

"Then here's an idea.‭" ‬Niall chimed in.‭ "‬Tell them that.‭"  ‬I sat up and narrowed my eyes at him.

‭"‬DUH‭!!!!! ‬i have‭!" ‬I hissed.‭ ‬Niall put his hands up like claws and hissed back.

‭"‬Then here's an idea.‭" ‬Niall chimed in.‭ "‬Tell them that.‭"  ‬I sat up and narrowed my eyes at him.

‭"‬DUH‭!!!!! ‬i have‭!" ‬I hissed.‭ ‬Niall put his hands up like claws and hissed back.

"Hey now none of that.‭" ‬Nessie said.‭ "‬Yeah shouldn't you be saving that sort of stuff for the bedroom‭?" ‬smirked Liam.

Jen snickered,‭ "‬And isn't harry the one who's got the claws‭?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know that‭?" ‬Niall asked.

"he's the kitty guy..‭>" ‬I said.

Speaking of kitties,‭ ‬there was a tinkling sound coming towards us and Misty came running through the door and leapt up onto my lap.

‭"‬Hey princess....‭ ‬you ready to hit the road‭?" ‬I cooed at her.


She just sneezed in my face then walked in circles on my lap and curled up in a ball.

I sat there in shock for a second,‭ "‬Oh god..‭ ‬ew ew ew‭ ‬,‭ ‬get it off get it off,‭" ‬i panicked reaching for Louis's shirt off the couch and wiping my face.

"Awww now you've gone an got cat boogies on Louis‭' ‬nice clean shirt.‭" ‬laughed Liam.

‭"‬Oh well....‭ ‬better than my face,‭" ‬I said,‭ ‬tossing it at Louis.‭ ‬We spent‭  ‬the next day in peace and I was excited....‭ ‬but Emma insisted on sleeping in her bed,‭ ‬cuz misty was in her bunk.‭ ‬me....‭ ‬i was debating on a bunk to sleep in...‭ ‬i had to speak to both guys...‭ ‬but i figured...‭ ‬I’d wait a couple days.....‭ ‬and got into my own bunk.‭

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