Chapter III

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"What is Hogwarts?" her question still rang in my ears. I knew it was time to move forward with the plan, but I still felt nervous being the one to expose it to her.

"It's a Wizarding school, to teach students many areas of magic," I responded. Her eyes grew wild.

"So you're good at magic Severus?" she asked.

"Yes," I simply replied, my mind still racing wondering what she wanted from me. A soft smirk grew on her face.

"Can you make sounds trapped in a room?" she asked. I was taken aback by her question. What in Merlin's name was this girl wanting to do that she would need a sound proofing charm?

"Yes, may I ask why?" She broke eye contact and looked off into what appeared to be deep thought, when she returned the gaze, it was with undertones of skepticism.

"May I?" she asked, holding out her hand. I looked at her, confused. With a nod she gestured me to take her hand. As I did so, I felt her overwhelm me. Was I lusting for her so much to feel physical electricity? At first I thought she was using Legilimency, but it wasn't my mind, or memories she was reading, it was deeper. It all stopped as she gently let go of my hand. All I could do was stare at her intently, complexed, as if she was a jigsaw puzzle still in pieces. I brushed off the encounter, I must have imagined it, desire had finally claimed my sanity. She never broke my gaze, she smiled, and took my hand again. This time, was unlike the last. She got up from the bed and guided me to what looked like a closet door. She opened the door to reveal just that, a closet. A few pillows and blankets scattered the floor, and what I recognized to be a muggle television set will a box on top of it, with wires like vines trailing down the back.

"I would like you to cast a spell that will trap the sounds in this room please, that is by condition, if you still want to talk with me that is." she articulated, looking up at me. Standing beside her I realized she wasn't a little girl whatsoever. She stood quite tall, only about half a foot shorter than himself. She wasn't too thin by any means either, with her pale skin overlaying her curvy stature she was a goddess to him, complete and utterly a woman. He took out his wand and pointed it at the closet. She looked on with a gaze of amazement.

"Insulato" a light from his wand encompassed the closet in a cocoon of light and as it spread it slowly faded.

"Well," he started, and gestured for her to enter. She hesitated, but made her way into the room. She turned to me and mouthed,

"Did it work?" I smiled and put my hand to my ear and shrugged as if to tell her I couldn't hear a word.  Immediately the most gleeful and beautiful smile covered her face. She then went to the television box and pressed a few buttons and came from the closet, delighted that the closet remained silent.

"That is brilliant!" she gushed.

"Thank you ever so much Severus!" She smiled at me. She was about to say something, then hesitated and composed herself all in one motion.

"Wanna see something?" she asked smiling. She flashed her eyes to meet mine. To say the least, I was mesmerized. All I could do was nod my head.


She led him into the closet, and directed him to sit beside her on one of the pillows facing the muggle box. The closet wasn't the largest space, he couldn't help but notice her leg touching his.

She pressed one of the buttons on the muggle box and a film played. It was a muggle film no doubt. A woman strolled through green hilltops singing a melodic piece that was unfamiliar to him. She must have heard it a myriad of times as she sang every note and lyric perfectly under hear breath as the film played on. He couldn't help but force back a smile at the sound of her sweet voice.

Severus came back to visit her each day for the rest of the week. She showed him a few of the other muggle objects she had come across in the room she was being kept in. A few children's books and a book of names made him come to the conclusion that the room had once been a muggle nursery. Her father would be back that evening, and his job was to report back to the Dark Lord any interesting magical qualities about the girl, however he knew she was not exhibiting the type of advanced magic the Dark Lord was looking for. She was able to perform some wandless magic, however it was nothing special, or advanced, just emotional movement of objects, which was very common in most young wizards before they are properly trained. He pressed her about the possibility of visions, she claimed she had none of the kind. He even tried to coach her through some legilimency, as she displayed some kind of reading abilities, but his efforts were futile. Other than the effect she herself had on him, she was a rather ordinary witch. A part of him was relieved that being ordinary would keep her out of the Dark Lord's plans for the war, but he feared for what would happen if she was of no use to him too.

Still, with no extraordinary magic being displayed by the girl, his fear for her safety grew as he dreaded her fate once the Dark Lord was aware she would not be as useful to his war like he expected from the prophecy. As he spent more time with the girl, it became more apparent that he couldn't lose her. It was as if he was reliving his worst nightmare a second time as he apparated from the darkness of Voldemort's mansion to the fresh outdoors, into an open courtyard outside of Hogwarts. He stormed through the castle. To others in the hallway, it appeared as if he was floating by the way his long black robes hung to the ground as he strode through the hallway towards Dumbledore's office. At the entrance to the office he whispered the password and moved up the stairs. He took a deep breath before entering.

"Ah, Severus," spoke the old wizard. Silence stood between them as Dumbledore took a few glances at the portraits to make sure they were alone.

"I need your help again, she's not what he had planned for her to be, she is not safe."

"What is she like?" Dumbledore asked in a soft tone that dripped with curiosity. Severus couldn't help but let a few tears escape from his swollen eyes as the vision of the girl jolted through his mind.

"She's like her."

"Lily?" Dumbledore asked astonished. Severus nodded.

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