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The boys are both nervous, one in his room in Sydney, trying to calm his nerves. And one in his room in Melbourne, walking in cirkels, waiting for Luke to call. He has checked about a thousand times, before the notification comes on his screen. Calum makes an inhuman noice, and sits down in front of his laptop.

''Can you see me?'' Calum asks, and he hears a weird noice coming from the other side of the line.

''Y-yes I can see you..'' Luke says, and Calum sighs a happy sigh as he hears Luke's voice.

''I can't see you, tho.'' Calum says, and he hears Luke sigh.

''I don't have my camera on..'' Luke says, a tone of sadness in his voice.

''Why not, Love?'' Calum says. As Luke hears the nickname, he quickly turns on his camera. Just the nickname gave him enough courage, and enough trust in Calum to turn on his camera.

''Wow..'' Calum says, taking in Luke's face, and half of his body. Luke's hair is in his usual quiff, and he is wearing a Taylor Swift fan made hoodie. Calum frowns at Luke. It's 89 degrees Fahrenheit, why would he wear a hoodie.

''Luke? Why are you wearing a hoodie?'' Luke face pales, and he looks down.

''O-our airco is blasting to much cold air and my dad isn't home and my mother doesn't know how it works?'' It came out of his mouth more like a question, than as an answer he was sure about.

''Luke?'' Calum asks again.

''Y-eah?'' Luke answers, making sweater paws.

''You are not telling the truth, are you?'' Calum asks, and Luke shakes his head hestitanly.

"What are you hiding for me, Luke?" Calum asks, looking at Luke with a caring face.

"I-I-I.." Luke stutters out, closing his eyes and trying to hold back the tears.

"You'll think that I'm a freak and that I need he-"

"I won't Luke.." Calum says, interrupting Luke. Luke sighs, nodding his head and pulling up his sleeves. Calum gasps and looks at Luke with a sad smile.

"Luke.." He says, and Luke lets out a sob.

"I'm sorry, cal.. I'm such a disappointment to you.." Luke says, and Calum shakes his head violently.

"You're not. You're perfect to me, I'm every possible way! These scars only represent how strong you are. These scars show that you've been trough so much but you carried on." Calum says, and Luke smiles at him with so much fondness in his smile, that Calum blushes.

"I like you, you know?" Luke says. He puts his hand on the screen, and Calum does as well.

"I like you too , you know?" Calum says, smiling at Luke, wishing he could kiss the hell out of the gorgeous blond in front of him.

"Would you go on a date with me?" Calum suddenly asks, a idea in his head.

"How? You're in Melbourne and I'm in Sydney." Luke answers sadly, pouting. Calum coo's at his cuteness, and he smiles.

"Just say yes." Calum says.

"Yes, I would go on a date with you." Luke says. They both still have their hands on the screen, smiling at each other like idiots. All of the sudden Calum grabs a notebook, and Luke raises his eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" Luke asks him, confused.

"Making a list."

"For what?"

"To know what I need when I go to Sydney."



I guess this book won't only be their conversations on kik, I'm sorry ;)

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