Josh groaned, leaning back against the wooden back of his seat as he stared over the ledge. The morning sun beating down a warm ray.

"Caroline cheated on me." He mumbled, his knuckles going white. "I found out last night."

I looked up at my friend, his boyish grin was gone, and in its place laid an innocent pout. He and (his supermodel of a girlfriend) Caroline had been together for close to a year. Their whole relationship made up of gorgeous pictures and sexy runways. But honestly, I had always found the pair a little superficial and fake, but Josh told me he was happy and I wanted to support him – to be there for him.

Still, I wasn't surprised that the young starlet had done something to screw Josh over. His fame wasn't blowing up any tabloids and he could never quite keep up with her Hollywood night-life.

"You're not surprised." Josh muttered, but it was a statement, not a question.

I looked up and caught Josh's gaze, "I'm sorry..."

Josh nodded, before running his hands over his face roughly. Clearing his throat a few times before looking back up at me with his signature lopsided grin. "Uh... how badly do you want to say I told you so right now?"

I laughed slightly as I recalled the argument that Josh and I had when he had first started dating Caroline. I had called him out for going after a girl solely because of the way she looked modeling lingerie down a runway, and he had accused me of being jealous. Needless to say I didn't talk to him for a week.

"Badly," I joked. "But I know that's not what you need to hear."

Josh let out a short laugh before reaching over and intertwining his fingers in mine, "thank you for holding yourself back!"

We sat in silence for a couple more moments, his thumb running circles along mine.

"You know how I found out?" he finally asked a few moments later. "He called the house asking for her."

I tried to stifle my laugh at his words, but still a low giggle managed to escape. Resulting in Josh tearing his hand from mine and glaring at me in irritation.

"I'm sorry Josh," I chuckled, a smile still present on my face. "But don't you think that's a little... insane? I mean, who does he think he is?"

"Andrew Roy"

"The singer?" I asked.

Josh hung his head in shame. Andrew Roy had been blowing up all over the place; his handsome face covering the front of every tabloid magazine within the tristate area. His song 'Tradition' making boys and girls alike, fall head over heels for the soulful singer.

"Josh..." I mumbled, feeling my heart go out to him.

"They met at some party a few weeks ago" he continued, reaching for my fingers again as he recounted the difficult details. " Says he didn't know about me."

"I guess that's the one down side to keeping your relationship on the D.L" I mumbled, squeezing his hand softly. "But how'd he get your number anyway? I can't believe Caroline would give it to him - even hot girls aren't that stupid."

Josh shrugged; ignoring my rude jab at his taste in women. "I guess guys like that have connections."

Josh pulled his hand from mine again and lifted himself up from his 'seat'. "Anyways, we should get back to work. The office isn't going to run itself."

I nodded in agreement and reached for his arm, letting him pull me up.

"I'm going to email you the report that you wanted," I said as we made our way back across the rocky path. "Just have to proofread it first."

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