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I feel Tess being yanked off of me and sigh with relief, ready to thank whoever just saved my ass.

I'm completely caught off guard when I see Normani grabbing Tess by the collar and yelling at her like there was no tomorrow. I stare at them in shock for a second, before jumping off the island and pulling Normani off of Tess, who looks like she's close to tears.

"Guys... please stop. It's not that bad, Normani."

"What do you mean it's not that bad? That girl was sexually assaulting you. This could've turned into rape, she could go to jail for this..." Normani rants on and on in pure anger. I look at her in awe, immediately starting to feel guilty about being so bitter with her the other day with Lauren.

"Tell me, Camila, is this the first time she's done something like this to you?" Normani presses on, pointing at Tess like she was some disease-infected rat.

This definitely isn't the first time Tess did this to me. Basically every night I spend with her is forced. But I'm not about to tell Normani that. Tess is watching me hopefully. We all know Normani would beat her ass if I told the truth.

"...Yes," I say softly. "I mean, this is the only time it's ever happened. She hasn't done this before." I could sense Tess watching me gratefully, but I didn't look at her once.

"Well, good," Normani grumbles, sending Tess another death stare. "Listen, if you go near her again..."

"It's fine, Normani. I can protect myself," I reassure her, talking as if Tess isn't even there.

Normani leaves the kitchen slowly, grabbing my hand and dragging me along after her.

"I'm not letting you ever to near her again. Now tell me the truth this time, Camila," Normani looks me sternly in the eye now that we're alone without the annoying presence of Tess. "Has she ever forced you into doing something you didn't want to do before?"

"Look Normani," I say as politely as I can, beginning to get a bit pissed off myself. "I'm 24 years old. I think I can protect myself and make my own choices. Thank you for helping me back there, but I really didn't need it."

That was my way of keeping my last shred of pride and dignity. I absolutely hate it when people do things for me or try to protect me. What Normani did was helpful, but then asking me about Tess's relationship with me is none of her business.

Normani just shrugs, then looks down at the floor. I give her a cold smile and leave, heading straight back for the kitchen.

Tess is still there, her back facing me. She doesn't hear me enter so I take that moment and grab her hips from behind, spinning her around and crashing my lips onto hers.

I'm Camila Cabello. I can do whatever the hell I want.

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