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It's not every day you pass out at a club and wake up in your friend's car with a pretty girl looking straight at you. My head hurts so much it's unbelievable, but seeing this girl in front of me sort of makes me forget about the pain for a while.

"Hey Lauren," The beautiful brown-haired girl gives me a small smile. She's so shockingly stunning it's almost a little unfair. I notice all her tattoos, the ink running along her chest, down her shoulders and arms. At least, that's all that's visible for now. She seems to see my eyes trailing down her body, and I realize that she'd just spoken to me and I'm being pretty rude.

"Hey.. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude but, may I ask who you are?"

She gives me a smile but it doesn't meet her eyes. They're ice cold. It makes me a little uncomfortable, even.

"I'm Camila Cabello. I'm friends with Ally and Dinah," She explains. "You kinda passed out. Well, you practically dropped dead. I had to help out Ally here." She cocks an eyebrow, looking slightly amused as I feel my cheeks turning bright red.

"So, Lauren, how 'bout we get you out of here? Unless you wanna spend the night in my car, I mean. That's cool too I guess," Ally speaks up, smirking at me.

"Oh... right," I mumble to Ally before turning back to Camila.

"Uh, this is a pretty embarrassing way to meet..." I stutter, smiling awkwardly at the intimidating, heavily tattooed girl in front of me. I probably look like complete shit right now.

"Oh, it's fine. I've been through worse," Camila says flatly, as if this is a daily routine. She's almost like a robot, completely emotionless.

"Guys, I really think we should get going," Ally says urgently. I nod, trying to get up but failing miserably.

"You need help, don't you?" Camila looks over to me, her lips parted slightly.

"Nah, I'll be fine," I assure them, smiling weakly. I slide out of the car and place one foot out on the ground, the other one following suit. I stand up shakily but quickly regain my balance. I begin to walk, a little unsteadily however. Despite my reassurances that I could walk myself, Ally and Camila still walk on either side of me, making sure I don't trip or fall.

Finally we make it into Ally's apartment, the journey there infuriatingly slow.

"Sorry I slowed us down so much," I sigh, the alcohol has mostly worn off but still left me with an unbearable pain in my head.

"That's fine, anything for you Laur," Ally winks at me. All three of us sink into the couch, relieved to finally get to relax.

"Wait so, you two have never met before?" Ally says, looking from me to Camila. We both shake our heads.

"Well, Lauren here is an author. A best-selling one, too. Extremely successful," Ally brags to Camila, causing me to blush a little.

"That's impressive," Camila remarks, looking to me with both her eyebrows raised.

"I'm currently working on a new novel, actually," I tell her.

"Yeah, it's called 'The Fine Art of Lesbianism'," Ally interrupts me, giggling. Shock flashes in Camila's eyes for a second before she starts laughing along with her. This is the first time I've seen the girl laugh, or show any emotion at all. I simply sit there, blushing furiously.

"Don't listen to her," I say to Camila, throwing Ally a death stare. It just makes Camila laugh more.

"Wow, I can't believe we're both friends with Ally. It's a small world," Camila grins, the smile still not meeting her eyes.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get us all some water. Especially you, Lauren. We need to get that alcohol out of your system," Ally laughs.

"Ugh," I groan, finding myself actually craving more alcohol. Ally gets up off the couch lazily and drags herself into the kitchen. Camila turns to me and looks me directly in the eyes.

"Sorry. You have very... interesting eyes," Camila furrows her eyebrows and murmurs with a small smile. I raise my eyebrows, amused.

"I get a lot of adjectives for my eyes, but I haven't ever gotten 'interesting' before."

Camila bites her lip, coming a little closer. I start panicking because I think she's going to kiss me or something, but then I realize she's just examining my eyes a little more closely. Then she backs up again.

"Ugh, I wish I had eyes like yours. Mine are just boringly brown."

"Well... What about sunsets? Like, when you look into brown-eyed people's eyes under the light it's like looking at a sunset. It's not just brown, it sort of melts into this golden mixed with chocolate sort of thing... I don't know," I explain. Camila seems surprised with what I'd said. Her eyes are not boringly brown, like how she'd described them, but they definitely aren't like how I described brown eyes either. Her eyes are two dark, expressionless orbs. They were beautiful, but in a different, more mysterious way.

"That's beautiful. It's cool that there's still people out there who pay attention to those little things," She smiles to herself dreamily. She's not looking at me so I look at her, and pay attention to her features a bit more. Back in the car when I'd just woken up everything was all blurry, but I could still tell she was beautiful. Heck, you could tell from miles away that Camila is beautiful. But now it's different, because I get to see what actually makes her this beautiful. Her hair, her skin, her nose, her lips... Everything. Her face has no flaws. But why are her eyes so lifeless?

"Hey, bitches. I'm back with H2O!" Ally returns with three glasses of water and a huge smile.

"Ally, you are so lame," Camila shakes her head, laughing.

"What took you so long? And why are you smiling so much?" I ask curiously.

"Chill, Laur. What's this, an interrogation? Troy called," Ally says brightly, looking like a little girl who just got a lollipop.

"Aww," Camila and I both coo at once.

"Now give me my water. I'm thirsty as fuck," Camila demands.

"For who? Lauren?" Ally smirks at Camila and winks.

I almost choke. How the hell did Ally already sense my little crush on Camila? Oh my god.

Thankfully, Camila just ignores Ally's comment and takes the glass of water while my face is burning up.

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