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The sound of people whispering makes me open my eyes. I immediately notice two nurses and the dean of the school are having a heated conversation. The dean found me?! This is so embarrassing.

"Glad to see you finally decided to wake up. I mean you've been sleeping for hours," A voice snickers at me with annoyance.

When I turn to see who in the world could have such a nasty attitude I see him. Him and his sparkly eyes that memorized me. The one who beat Ryan to a pulp. And, the one who intrigued me into learning more about him.

He was sitting in a worn out wooden chair with his hands in his lap next to the hard dull bed I laid in. His eyes poured into mine.

"Why are you here?" I ask with no excitement whatsoever.

"I'm the one who found you" He says annoyed.

At the realization, I blush a bright red making me look most definitely like a tomato.

"Did I call you-" I begin to say, but he interrupts me.

"Yup, and I don't mind that you did since I am considered a Greek God" He smirks playfully leaning back into the chair.

Before I could snicker a good comeback back to him the small room's door that Douglas and I are in opens.

In comes the dean of students dressed in a gray suit, looking very professional and modest. I was a bit intimidated by him and how already entering the room he gave off the aura of importance. He closed the door behind him and walked over to where Douglas and I were.

"Hello glad to see you're looking well" The dean says.

"Thank you" I say softly, feeling shy.

Douglas gives me a look as if saying 'stop acting weird' but I ignore it. The dean takes a seat next to Douglas in a chair making him look uncomfortable.

"Can you give us a moment Douglas?" The dean asks politely.

"No, if you have anything to say to her you can just say it now, she'll end up telling me anyways" Douglas says with hard eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.

Shocked by the way he disrespects the man I gasp. Douglas continues to give the dean hard eyes and the dean finally obliges. The dean turns to look at me, ignoring Douglas's presence altogether.

"Do you plan on suing the school, honey-"

"Are you kidding me the first thing you ask is that?" Douglas yells at the poor man quickly sitting up. "Not even her name?"

I give Douglas a look as if saying to 'calm down' but he refuses to listen. It surprises me how much I want to control him when I barely even knew him. Douglas crosses his arms ready to hear what the man has to say.

"Douglas, we just need to know that fact before anything else," The dean says slowly, then turns his head to me. "And I do know her name it's Audrey, right dear?"

I nod slowly at him and before Douglas can get a chance to put in his opinion I answer.

"No, I don't plan to sue the school. I'm the one who fell over one of my boxes, it's my fault. I'm sorry I made you come all the way down here" I apologize.

This makes Douglas furious and I don't know what to do. I don't understand why he can't he just calm down, it's not even a big deal.

I touch Douglas's arm making both of our eyes go down to my hand. I slowly take my hand off but my sudden touch seems to of have calmed him down. The dean gives confused looks between us but shakes any thoughts he was thinking of. He slowly gets off of the chair and waves good bye to me.

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