"Now I know why it looked familiar," a girl said from behind me

"What looked familiar?" I asked turning around

"The hand writing," she said

"How does it look familiar?" Cody asked

"Jason you don't remember me?" she asked then I looked at her and remembered

"Samantha?" I said

"Yep, I was one of the girls picked to come here as a candidate, but since you aren't attracted to me I'm not her. Anyways good to see you," she said smiling

"Yah, you're not the one but he is still out there," I told her

"So how ha Vanessa been?" she asked

"Fine, she should be around here," I said

"No that's all I wanted to know," she said

"Well you better get mingling if you are going to find your mate" she said and walked away. As she was walking away the ballroom doors opened and I was just staring at her she was gorgeous.

I looked at  who entered and relised that was Vanessa. She looked amazing.I was just about to walk up to her group of friends, when some vampire asked me to dance. I dance for a while and most of them tried to start up a conversation with me but I ended up cutting it short.

After a while, I was going to give up dancing with Vanessa, when I just happened to get an opening. She was by herself to side of the dance floor. She had a glass of wine in her hands and looked like she was thinking about something. I walked up to her and when she saw me, she smiled but it was rather forced. She placed the glass wine on a tray and walked up to me.

"Hey having fun?" she said

"If by fun you mean not getting a single minute to breath, then yes." I said and she smiled.

"So how has your night been?" I said

 "Well, first I get here late. Then I end up being the center of attention and asked to dance with about every unmated guy here," she says

"Then this is going to sound a bore,  but would you do me the owner of having the next dance with me?" I said

"Sure" she said and put her hand in mine. I took her to the dance floor and the song "Love you for a thousand years" by Christina Perri.  We started to dance and I was just looking into her eyes and I could see the real her in them. Once the song was over, she bowed and started to walk away.

"Wait, do you want to look at the stars with me?" I asked her

"Yeah, okay" she says and we walked off to the balcony towards the back

 "The stars look stunning tonight" I said

"Yeah they do look pretty," she said

"But not as pretty as your eyes. Why don't you leave them their normal color?" I asked her

"My mom always loved my eyes and it just doesn't feel right leaving them purple once she died." She says

"Look Vanessa don't ever again hide your eye color your eyes are gorgeous. If you want to hide them fine but if it was  for me you should never hide your beautiful eyes" I said and I don't know where that came from. She turned towards me and looked at me.

I looked back into her eyes and then down to her lips. I leaned in and kissed her and I felt the sparks fly. We pulled apart and she was smiling and had her hand up to her lips. 

  "Mate," I said and she just nodded. We went back in for a second kiss but broke it off when we heard cheering in the background. I looked to see who entered and it was the gang.

"Congrats man," Cody said

"Yes, cough it up" Li told Bethany

"Here, thanks Vanessa you owe me $10" she said

"So when are you going to announce her to the kingdom?" Cody asked

"Also when is the wedding?" Bethany asked

"You won't need to worry because you won't best the maid of honor I will," Angelika said

"I think you mean me," Li said.

Vanessa tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear "let's go somewhere quite."She grabbed my hand and while the other girls were arguing about dumb wedding things. She let out her wings and flew up into the air.

"Here we can be in peace and quiet for about 10 minutes," she said. I looked at her wings and remembered what my mom told me to give her.

"Give me a sec I have something for you," I told her and took out the box. I opened it and found it empty. I never put the necklace in this box.

"Dang it," I said

"What?" she asked

"My mom gave me this gift for my mate and I left it in my room. Can you fly me down to go get it?" I asked

"Sure" she said and took me down to the balcony. I ran off into the hall to find the necklace.


For my amazing readers I finished this chapter early. I think that by far this has been my favorite chapter to write. I hope you guys like. FYI I'm amazing you know. Why? You ask. I wrote 2 chapters in one day. I'm amazing I know thanks keep reading on to the next chapter.





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