Deja Vu and Papers. 8

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(Warning, foul language.Sorry I havent updated, my phone broke, my tablet is being held hostage, and im using my brothers phone to write thiz, and I dont understand this type of key board. I am also writing this on vacation, so it might be even worse. It will be really bad. I tried to save it, but in advance, sorry. Anyway, Enjoy.)

Eren P.O.V.

I staggered ariund my room, my mind still not focused. I held on to the doornob of my closet, pausing before opening it fully. I stared at my choices, there not being many. I needed to do laundry real bad.

Sighing, I picked out some clothes, a Linkin Park tee, light blue jeans, and socks with the weekday on them. I didnt bother to put on shoes as I headed out of my room, making a b-line for the bathroom. After safely reaching it, I entered, going straight to the mirror. I looked at my reflection, gasping at the sight.

My eyes were bloodshot, and I had tear streaks running down my cheeks. My hair was everywhere, which isnt very suprising. But the scratch that went almost all the way down my face was definately new.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, regretting it once I remembered who was visiting.

"EREN?!?! EREN, WHATS WRONG?!"Mikasa shouted, sprinting towards the bathroom. After a few seconds, the bathroom door bursted open, causing me to fall back. The door hit the wall, most likely cracking it. I was struck with a strong sense of Deja Vu.





"Mikasa, what the hell?!"

"Eren, are you ok?!" She shot over to me taking my face into her hands, squeezing it. My cheeks pressed together, and my lips looked like a fish's. Theres that Deja Vu again.

"Ow!" I yelped, her nails digging into my cheeks.

"Oh my god, Eren, what happened to your precious face?!" She asked, detaching her claws from my cheeks. She ran her finger over my new scratch. She sat there, stroking it, and I just sat there awkwardly, averting my eyes from her.

"Uh, Mikasa... Can I get up?" I asked, grabbing her arm and pushing it gently from my face. Her eyes widened and she quickly got up, pulling me with her. I laughed and she blushed, looking down at the ground. Suddenly, I smell something burning.

"Where you cooking something?" I asked, smiling at her, my smile smug. She looked at me in question, finally replying.

"Huh? Yeah pancakes- OH SHIT!" Her eyes widened with realization before sprinting out the room. I laughed, jogging after her. She scrambled in the kitchen, turning off the burner. She groaned angrily, tossing the charred pancakes in the trash can. She stormed around, groaning every two seconds. I laughed once more, only to recieve a deahly glare from the devil herself.

I walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. I smiled warmly at her, causing her to relax a bit.

"Why don't I make us something, after all, you are my guest." I said, walking into the kitchen. I left Mikasa in shock, mad for no reason I could see. Deja Vu struck me with a hard uppercut once more.

I began rummaging through my fridge and pantry, searching for the perfect ingredients. A smile etched my lips as i found the ingredients. I began cooking, humming a song my mother made up.

Mikasa camd in, and began singing. I looked at her, and she smiled sweetly at me. I returned the gesture, and sang along with her.

(Im not a song writer. :T So, no song.)

After we finished the song, and the food was done, I set it on the table, along with powdered sugar and our drinks. Mikasa marveled at the food, astonished.

"I totally forgot you could cook so well. Its been so long, I missed this." She sighed in content, a smile on her face. I nodded sitting, down at the table, Mikasa following suit.

"I havent cooked for anyone for a while, besides Armin. But we usually just have Cereal. Anyway, if its bad, sorry." I apologized in advance, taking a small bite of my marvelous, wonderful... amazing... French toast. Woah, fancy. Que jazz hands.

Mikasa spread some powdered sugar on hers, slowly taking the first bite. Her eyes widened, and she gasped.

"Eren! Holy shit, I underestimated you! These are amazing! Its just like how you used to make them with mom!" She paused once she realized what she said. I just smiled, brushing the memory off.

"Thanks, Mikasa." I began eating once more, thinking about collage, and how Jean said he had a party coming up. And last, how I got this scratch.

"Yeah Eren, how did you get that?" I stared at Mikasa in shock, how did she???

"Eren, you say your thoughts aloud. Dummy." Deja Vu, what the fuck, man. My god, this is ridiculous. I facepalm, huffing and puffing my cheems out, blushing.

"But seriously, Eren. How did you get that cut?" I simply shrugged, as confused as she was. She sighed, heading toward the couch. She picked up a stack of papers, tossing them over to me. Ipiced them up, confused. My eyes widened as realization flooded over me. I stared in horror at Mikasa, causing her to sigh.

"I found them at the front of the apartment. You should really start picking your stuff up." I nodded, looking through the papers, I had totally forgotten these. I need to fill these out by 12.

"Ok, thanks, Mikasa. This is for my new job, and these are really important. Thanks, again." My eyes darted at the clock. 10:23. Shiiiiiit. I shot up, running towards the living area and pulling out a pen of my drawer. I scanned over the Papers. The font was big, and had curls at the end. I laughed, knowing Hanji probably printed this out.

'Hello ____,' I filled out my name on the paper, and continued.

'I'm Hanji, and your new boss! It's so great to meet you! I'm sure you already know what this job is about, but my assistant says it's required to list all activities you will indulge in. Here we go!

Ok, so number one. You will need to prepare drinks for our customers, and serve drinks. This will include alcohol, so if there is a problem, please list them on the blank page attached. Thanks, hon!

Two, here we go! You will work with the devil himself. Just kidding! You will be working with other people, and one midget. If any fights, arguments, or sexual interactions are on work hour, there will be consequences. THAT ASIDE, you may kiss your loved ones, just please, don't swing that bat too hard and get a home run in the middle of my bar. If you know what I mean.

Three! If you are 18 or younger, sorry honey, but I cant accept you! I'm sorry! ;-;

My assistant is going to take over on the next page. Hope to see you!' I read through all Erwin's part, filling out my name and information on the pages listed. I sighed as I finished, looking over at the clock. 11:31, SON OF A-

I quickly threw on some shoes, and grabbed the things I would need.

"Mikasa, I'm heading out to my job now, see you!" I ran out of my house, rushing towards the bar.

-Time skip brought to you by Eren almost running late.-

I opened the doors to the bar, out of breath from running. I had made it by 2 minutes. When I looked up, a screech filled my ears.

"WELCOME TO THE JOB, EREN!" Hanji yelled, Levi and the others behind her, clapping and laughing. I about passed out from shock.

(Ok, bad place to end, but seriously, my hands are tired, and I'm bored. :T Was it any good? This book is my second favorite to write, and my most popular. My first favorite is a book Im woring on in secret. Anyway, byeeee. THANKS FOR 1000 READS!!!!)

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