Chapter 4: Brody's Back

Start from the beginning

"You don't hurt me, Jack" Kim said as she grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him until they heard a cough from behind.

It was Brody.

*Brody's pov*

I didn't know that Jack and Kim had gotten together! This was going to be impossible now. Jack had pinned Kim to the mats and they kissed. I was already too far in so I coughed and they quickly got up and looked at me. Great.

"What are you doing here?" Kim asked

"I told you I was coming" I said simply.

"Was that before or after you asked me out?" Kim said looking at me as she put her arms around Jack to not attack.

"He what?!" Jack said as he looked at Kim and then me "You what?!"

"Calm down Jack" Kim whispered as she tightened her grip on him.

"In my defense, I didn't know you guys were dating, if I did I would have never had done that" I said backing up a bit.

Rudy came out of his office and looked at me.

"Brody? What are you doing here?" Rudy asked me.

"I.I. Came to join" I stuttered. Maybe this isn't such a good idea, now Jack is gonna come after me for asking out his girlfriend.

"And what makes you think I will let you join after what you did to Kim" Jack said getting out of Kim's grip.

"Well it's really not your decision" I pointed out.

"Wait, I thought you were a part of the Black Dragons"

"Look, can I join or not?" I asked getting to the point.

"Rudy, you can't let him" Jack said.

"There is nothing I can do, technically he is allowed to join and we know that he is qualified. The only one who can stop him from joining is Kim" Rudy explained.

"What? Why me?" Kim asked.

"If you can forgive Brody then he's in. But if you don't then can't" Rudy said. Getting in here may be easier than actually getting information.

"Oh, well" Kim started. "Umm, what you did was a long time ago and-"

"Are you actually considering letting him in?" Jack asked harshly.

"Well, maybe?"

As soon as she said that Jack walked out of the dojo.

"Jack" Kim said calling out to him.

Kim looked at me and then Rudy and then walked into the girl's locker room.

I faintly her another girls voice in the locker room "Kim? Are you okay?" and then I was forced to leave the dojo.

*Kim's pov*

Why did Brody have to show up anyway?! Our lives have been going great before he came back. Me and Jack were better than ever and then Brody comes and everything starts crumbling down. I don't even know where Jack went. I came into the girl's locker room because I am tired of chasing Jack around the mall.

"Kim? Are you okay?" Sloane asked me.

"No I am not okay. Brody came back and then Jack got mad at me and left" I said plopping myself on the nearest bench.

"Who's Brody? And why did Jack get mad?" Sloane asked.

"Some guy that I went out with once and he just used me just to become a Black Dragon. It was a long time ago and I was considering forgiving him but that made Jack mad and he stormed out of the dojo" I explained.

"Why would you forgive a black dragon?" She asked.

"Because he wasn't trying to hurt me. It was all the Frank and the other Black Dragons idea, so I was thinking about forgiving him"

"Oh, well, if it was me, then I would consider it too" Sloane said.

"Really?" I asked.

"And it also depends how cute he was" She laughed.

"He's not somebody I ever really liked mostly because that was Jack, but you may like him" I said "He is a flirt though"


"I just wished Jack didn't get mad" I frowned.

"Maybe he just had to cool off, he might even be back"

We came out of the locker room to see Jerry and Milton sparring.

"Rudy, has Jack come back yet?" I asked.

"No, but I wish I knew what Brody was up to" Rudy said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked.

"Why would he so randomly come back into our lives?" Rudy wondered.

"You have a good point" I said.

"What if he is up to something?" Rudy asked.

"The only question is, what would he be up to?"

...After practice.

"Kim, are you coming?" Sloane asked. I was sitting up against the lockers.

"No, I was going to wait here" I sighed.

"Okay, but I don't think Jack is going to come back tonight" Sloane said sadly.

"He left his phone and his house keys here, he has to come back" I said.

"Ok, call me if you need anything" Sloane said as she left the dojo to go home.

"Kim, what are you still doing here?" Rudy asked coming out of his office.

"Jack" I said simply.


So Brody is back, has not met Sloane yet and has already started causing so many problems. And where did Jack go?

So many people keep telling me to update, not asking, telling. and I have been updating this story once a day. Does anybody actually read these authors notes? Thank you to those who do read these.

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