Naruto: Naruto - Advice from Sakura

Start from the beginning

Kakashi-sensei and I then quickly run to the hospital. I'm worried about her. What if she is hurt seriously? What if she...No, she can't die! She is too strong to let herself get killed in a C-Rank mission! She can't do that to me! Please don't be hurt seriously and get better soon, (y/n)...We finally arrive at the hospital and go inside asking where (y/n) is. A nurse comes to us and tells us her room and that we should be quiet because she sleeps. We nod at her and walk into (y/n)'s room. When I finally see her I sigh in relief. She sleeps peacefully and looks fine. Kakashi-sensei walks closer towards her and sits down on a chair motioning to me to do the same. I do it and we sit there in silence looking at (y/n) sleeping peacefully. I think about what Sakura told me. I felt strange when I thought she might die. I was worried about her but I also felt sad that I never told her how I truly feel towards her because she deserves to know it. When we are alone I will confess to her! No matter what will happen afterwards! Suddenly Kakashi-sensei stands up and says that he forgot to do something and asks me to stay so she won't be alone when she awakes while he is away. I nod at him and he leaves. I think he even smiles but I'm not sure. A few moments later (y/n) starts to move and her beautiful (e/c) eyes open slowly. She looks at me and smiles tiredly. "Hey Naruto. I'm sorry if I worried you."

"-smiles- It's fine (y/n). How are you feeling and what happened?"

"I'm feeling good, thanks. In all honesty I don't really remember what happened. All I know is that I saw one of my team members getting hit, me becoming very angry and then I somehow activated Kira, my cat guardian. She took over because I was too angry to fight. That's all I know."

"I see. At least you are alright and that's more important."

"Thank you, Naruto. By the way where is my brother? Knowing how protective he can be I thought he would be here too."

"Oh, he left a few moments ago saying he forgot something. Why didn't you tell me that my sensei is your brother?"

"-giggles- I told you that his name is Kakashi and that he is a Jounin. I thought you would know it because there aren't more Kakashis in Konoha for all I know."

"-blushes- You know that this is not my strength, (y/n)! -pouts-"

"-chuckles- Aww, you are cute when you pout!"

"-blushes more- I'm not cute!"

"Yes, you are~."

"No, I'm not! You are cute not me! -silence for a few seconds-"

"-surprised- -blushes- Y-you really think so?"

"Y-yeah...Uhm, (y/n), there is something I want to tell you."

"What is it, Naruto?"

"Well...I...I l-love you. I have for a while now."


"I-I understand it if you don't feel the same and I would be your friend still, I just...Mmph!"

I can't finish the sentence because (y/n) leans towards me and places her lips on mine in a soft kiss. My eyes widen in shock and my body tenses up at first. After few seconds I relax and kiss her back while closing my eyes. She wraps her arms around my neck and I lay my arms around her waist pulling her closer. I smile in the kiss happy to finally have her in my arms. Unfortunately, we have to part for air. I open my eyes and see her looking with her (e/c) eyes in my own blue ones. She says smiling and blushing cutely "I love you too."

I smile widely and hug her tightly. Just then the door opens and Kakashi-sensei comes in. He smiles and says "I see you finally managed to tell him how you feel, (y/n)-chan. Then I won't have to listen to your rambles anymore."

"-pouts- You are mean, Kakashi-nii."

"Well, if I am mean then I guess you don't want to be in my team. I will go back to the Hokage and tell him you don't want to switch teams..."

"Wait! You really asked the Hokage if I could switch to your team?"

"-comes closer- Yes, I did and he agreed."

"-hugs him tightly- Thank you, Kakashi-nii! You are the best!"

"-chuckles while hugging back- You're welcome. But don't think I will go easy on you just because you are my little sister."

"-lets him go while rolling her eyes- I know that and I wouldn't want a special treatment anyway."

"Good. If you want, you can meet the other members today or tomorrow. It's your decision."

"Then I will meet them tomorrow. I want to go to Ichiraku's with Naruto today like I promised to."

"Alright. I will go home then. You are free to leave the hospital. I already signed the document."

"Thank you. -grabs Naruto's hand while jumping out of bed- Come on, Naruto before I die from starving!"

"-blushes a bit- Then let's hurry!"

We leave the hospital holding hands and make our way to Ichiraku's. I smile the whole time because I finally got the courage to confess to her and got her as my girlfriend. That's the best day ever!!!

~~Extended Ending~~

In the evening

"Oh right. Don't do anything...mature when you are alone with Naruto."


"What? I just don't want you to..."

"Don't say it!......-smirking evilly- I guess I have to burn these books to make you stop thinking that way~."

"-pales- I have to find a hiding spot. -runs to save his books-"

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