Chapter 14

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"Hi Dad, it's Nat."

"Are you okay? He hasn't hurt you has he?" The questions came quickly.

"I'm fine Dad, and of course he hasn't. Adam is nothing short of a gentleman, he is perfect." I sighed, I can't believe they are already picking on Adam when they know nothing about him and have been talking to me for less than a minute.

"Okay. I just wanted to check." He sounded like he regretted it. "Your mother and I talked and if you are truly happy with him then we won't stop you being together. It was a stressful time for us, and to have you waltz in with him felt wrong. We overreacted."

"It's okay Dad." I smiled, not that he could see it but I hoped he'd hear it in my voice.

"How are you two doing then?"

"Fine. We're in the studio today, he's working on a song right now and I didn't want to get in the way. And we've spent a lot of time on set for The Voice."

"Can I get any spoilers?" He laughed, he doesn't even watch it which made me laugh too.

"Nope. I'll tell you it's a good season though."

"Unfair." He complained.

"Not really Dad. How are you and Mum?"

"We're doing alright, much better now we know you are okay." His words dredged up all my guilt, I felt so bad for not thinking about how they felt. Instead focusing only on me and Adam.

"I'm glad you're okay, I'll try to get down to see you sometime. We are just pretty busy right now."

"It's fine sweetheart. You two spend some time together, I remember what it's like to be young and in love, enjoy it. Enjoy spending time with your knight in shining armour." I couldn't believe the words coming from his mouth, a tear rolled down my face and I wasn't quite sure if it was happy or sad.

"Bye Dad." He hung up first, I sat completely still for a moment a song playing in my head. I stuck my head into the room the boys were in. "Can I borrow some headphones?" I could feel Adam's eyes on me.

"Come here baby." He held me close, not questioning me instead just holding me close to him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not entirely sure." I whispered, holding onto him tight.

"It's all okay now." We were rocking slightly, and it was actually helping. He pressed a soft kiss to my head and wiped away the tears on my cheeks. "Why do you want headphones?"

"There's a song stuck in my head." I shrugged, looking at the floor.

"What is it baby?"

"The End Of All Things." I don't know who did it, but soon enough the song was playing as Adam held me close to him. I was crying silently and I honestly can't be sure why.

"Hey. Stop crying." Adam's voice was soft and sweet as he led me to the sofa, I was sat on his lap and curled into his chest.

"Sorry." I sniffed.

"I don't. I don't really know why."

"Shh. It's okay baby." Adam silenced me with a kiss whilst the others watched on with interest. "You still want to go out for lunch?"

I nodded."Yeah. I'm sorry. Give me a minute."

"Stop apologising." Adam scolded, but not in a mean way at all, his eyes were full of love and devotion, concern and worry.

"Okay. Come on, lets go." I even managed a smile. Adam took my hand in his as we walked out, I'm glad he kept contact because it's just what I needed.

"I don't believe you." I laughed.

"Oh yeah, this one was such a nerd." Jesse said pointing at Adam.

"I think you're getting confused you hippie, I was the bad ass." Adam was smothering a smile, but I could see it in his eyes.

"Whatever. If that helps you get through the night." The good natured humour was what I needed, everyone insulting each other. It was great.

"Nope, this one gets me through the night." Adam sent a flirtatious wink my way, earning him a slap.

"Oi Mr. This is a meal, behave yourself." His eyes were shining with the musical laughter that escaped his mouth.

"You got it darling." He turned to have a conversation.

"So Natasha, how are you finding The Voice this season?" PJ asked, looking curious, but I doubt this is what he wants to know.

"It's been great, Adam and I are really enjoying it and I'm just glad that him and the crew don't mind me hanging out there every day."

"Oh, so it was your idea?" He seemed genuinely taken aback by that.

"Yeah. I mean, I hated being alone in that house, I missed having Adam around. He phoned and I had been crying, I snapped a little and told him I needed him. He got Jesse to pick me up and take me to the set." I explained, I gave them a few seconds to take in the information.

"You love him?" James asked.

"Yeah." I laughed. "So much it hurts. I know he isn't perfect, he has another side that... has some flaws, but it's worth it for Adam." Small smiles appeared on their faces.

"We're glad that he's found someone that cares." Mat informed me. "He deserves it, I know the other him is hard to put up with but he's been much better recently."

"Thanks guys. I'm glad you don't hate me." I laughed nervously.

"We couldn't not love you!" James chuckled.

"What we could do is be at mad at Adam for ruining someone's life." PJ muttered.

"He didn't though." I reminded him, they all nodded although some people were less convinced than others. "Anyway, I'm a little tired. Adam can we go home?"

"Sure baby. I'll catch you guys later, you should come to filming this week." He got to his feet and grabbed his coat.

"We will try." Jesse promised.

"Can't wait to see you there." I smiled, giving Jesse a very quick hug before holding onto Adam's hand.

"Love you darling." I got a passionate kiss as we left the building, my heart doing backflips at the new pet name and my knees going week at the force of the kiss.

"I love you too hunny." He wrapped his arm around me as we headed towards the car.

"Did you want to go home via your parents place?" It wasn't on the way at all, but I loved him more for the offer.

"That would be great Adam. Thank you so much." Our lips met in yet another kiss, the touches between us like a drug neither of us can never get enough of.

"Come on then gorgeous, time to meet the parents. Round two." He chuckled as we began the drive. I sent them a quick text too let them know we were on our way down to see them. I looked over at Adam who was singing along to the radio, his hands drumming against the steering wheel, all this was crazy but I wouldn't change a thing. I value our love too much for that, I've gone from thinking I was cursed to seeing this as a blessing.

Don't Deny The Animal (Preying On You Tonight) - A Maroon 5/Adam Levine FicWhere stories live. Discover now