From the Window Looking In

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The red head woman I followed turned out to be a wolf. I set on her balcony and watch as her and her family inter act. 

It's funny I had always thought that wolfs where myths and now here I was watching one with her family as she comes and goes. There had been times that I had to go though because her and her boyfriend got a little will lets just say I didn't wan't to watch.

It was one of them days that I was just setting there looking into the window. She was in her kitchen fixing dinner, bored with just setting there I start to sing. 

Than I see movement but I don't move I stay there, watching waiting. She opens the curtains looking out at me, than slowly comes out onto the balcony.

"Hey there little bird" she says

Grate I hate when people do this, oh how sweet look at the little birdie, I roll my eyes. Squawking at her. I took off like I was going to fly away but I wanted to show her that I was just like her. I turn and come landing in front of her on the balcony I shift into human form. She looks at me, looking me over closely.

"Hey" I say

"Hi your a....."

"I'm Raven" I tell her with a smile

"Raven the raven"

"Yes, my parents little joke I guess"

I took in her red hair up this close I could get a good look at her she had blue eyes and was vary pretty.

"I never meet a raven before"

I smile

"Will I never meet a wolf before"

"How did you know"

"I seen you shift, I been here before"


"A smell keeps bring me back" I tell her 

"Let me get you some cloths" She says and starts in

I follow her

"I'll be ok"

"Yes will, you see my mate and brothers will be back soon and I don't think you will want to meet them in the nude. Although I don't think they would mind one bit"

I smile again as she takes me to a small room, she digs though her closet for some clothe for me to wear.

"I  always thought ravens where myths" she says pulling a dress out for me

"I thought the same about wolves"

"Here you go, you look about my size"

"You're right" I tell her pulling it on over my head

"I have dinner on" she tells me

I follow her to the kitchen where she goes to the island and starts cutting cucumbers.

"This is amazing, you know they say that wolves and raven's have a collusive relationship" she says

"Yeah, and there's also a a folklore about the Nordic God Odin having two wolves and two raven's at his side" I tell her as I pick up a knife

She smiles

"Yes, you done your homework, you're vary pretty" 

"So are you" And there it is I look up at her "There's that smell"

Her boyfriend comes in the door, with a smile.

"Hey baby who's our guess" he asked her

"This is Raven" she tells him

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