Chapter 11: Happy Birthday

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It's May 29th, my birthday.
Today is also the last day of school as well. I love having my birthday on the last day of school 'cause everyone always goes out and has fun anyway. I love my birthday........or at least I used to. Ever since school started, I've just not been myself anymore, I'm just........tired. I come to school and they all crowd around me.

"Happy birthday Zara!" Jake and Kyle both screamed in my ear in unison.

"Happy birthday" Robert calmly congratulated me. He tried to pat my head but I shook him off immediately. He instantly knew that I wasn't in the mood for this and he backed away. I was about to storm off when Alexander came. I would have treated him the same but after what he said to me yesterday, I wanted to talk to him about what he actually meant.

"Happy birthday" He greeted me calmly.

"Thank you" I replied, I calmly as I could even though I had been completely ticked off by the others. I was about to ask him about it but then he came up to me and grabbed my hand.

He hadn't changed.

I immediately slapped his hand away and stormed off to my home economics class.
During lunch break he came up to me and grabbed my arm.
"What's wrong?!" He exclaimed "Why are you acting like this?!".

"Y-you just.....don't understand" I answered.

"Don't understand what?"

"Everything!" I screamed and ran away to the roof. When I got to the top, I sat down and buried my head in my knees.
Why did I do that...............Why didn't I just tell him that I felt uncomfortable............Why was I so nervous?

These were the thoughts rushing through my head.

I can never say what I mean...........I just can't express myself sometimes...........

I slumped my head further down in my knees and began to cry. Suddenly someone plopped down beside me. It was David.

"Please leave, I really don't want to talk right now" I asked him woefully.

"Then listen" He answered.

I kept my head down not replying to his answer.

"Well firstly, Happy Birthday. I wanted to say it before but it seemed like you weren't in the best mood, not that you are now but if I don't say it now, I probably never will" He started to say.
He noticed
I thought to myself.
I can't believe he noticed......

He continued to say " You probably felt uncomfortable with what Alex did. When you were trying to talk to him, I could see the nervousness on your face.....don't worry though, the moment you left I beat him up for you".

He noticed............he noticed............he noticed.........

The words kept popping up in my mind. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I began to cry. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"There, there....... It's fine now"

I think this is what I wanted..........someone who can read me and understand me.........

I cried into his chest for a while and then the bell rang. We both got up and were about to go back to class.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked me.

I nodded my head.

"That's good.......oh! I almost forgot!" He exclaimed with a lot of energy.

"Forgot what?" I replied in the exact same tone.

Out from his school bag he got out a present and a card.

"Happy birthday!" He exclaimed.

I looked at both the present and the card and decided to open the card first. It said:

Happy Birthday Zara! I hope you are always happy! I'll be here for you always! With love, from David. P.S. (Inscription illegible)

"D-don't mind the last part!" He stuttered nervously "it was just a mistake I made!"

"Thank you" I thanked him.

"If you think that was good then open the present......."

I opened the wrapping to find a gun, but when I opened the packed it turned out to be a paint gun.
I shot one out of it to find that it had red-coloured bullets.

"It's a paint gun!" I exclaimed.

"With red-coloured bullets, your favorite colour".

I was so happy that I jumped on him and gave him a giant hug

"Thank you!"

Guys, I'm soooo sorry that I haven't been updating regularly. I've just been so busy......... Thank you for bearing with me and reading my book. To my perfect perfections

From Pengu124

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