Chapter 10: Changes

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My P.O.V
They all went to Sebastian's house and held a meeting.

"I've never seen her like that before" Kyle said "it was sort of............nice".

"How the hell was that nice" Anthony attacked.

"Well, to be honest, I like this change too" Sebastian added "She's being more honest with us and is voicing out her opinions better".

"Voicing her opinion my ass" Anthony remarked.

"Anyway, since when have you been so sincere Sebastian?" Henri commented "normally ur so cold and now you sound like a girl".

"Fuck you" he replied.

"Don't fuck me, fuck yourself" Henri retorted.

"Oh, you bastard" Sebastian answered. He lunged at Henri and they both got into a friendly struggle.

"How long has it been since we've done this" Henri asked while struggling to fight him.

"About a year" Sebastian replied.

"Honestly, we should really stop doing this 'cause nothing good ever really comes from these".

"I agree!" Jake exclaimed

"True, I mean last time, we nearly killed her" Robert commented

"Hey, we didn't! Her sister did. We just.........foresaw the incident" Anthony replied

"You are such a great fortune teller aren't you?" David retorted.

"Fuck you" he said nonchalantly.

"Both of you shut up! And you two guys should stop fighting too!" Kyle shouted.

Sebastian and Henri were still fighting until he said that.

"Fine" they moaned.

"Either way, wasn't she awesome today!" Kyle said "I mean she called us sluts".

"Can guys even be sluts?" David asked.

"I have no idea" Kyle replied.

"How is that awesome?" Jake asked

"I have no idea" Kyle answered.

"You really know nothing do you" Sebastian retorted.

"Are you actually looking for a fight?!" He challenged.

"Calm down....aren't you the one who told us to stop fighting"

* Sigh* He sighed.

They all laughed. Then they went on to ranting about all the things that had happened since the start of school. They stayed there until midnight and then they went home. After two weeks, Zara was checked out of hospital and she went to school for the first time in two and a half months.

Zara's P.O.V

"Good morning Cherry! I haven't seen you in ages!" I greeted.

"H-hi.....who are you again?"

I was shocked. I knew I was out for a while but I didn't think it was long enough for them to forget about me.

"It's Zara, remember?" I tried to explain.

"Oh!..... Your from that anime girl lookalike contest!"

I was confused but then I realised that I did actually look like an anime character and I left it like that. Curse my wide, clear eyes and perfect skin.

"Y-yeah" I replied.

"Congrats on winning! I'm so jealous of you!" She said and then she walked off to the lockers.

I gloomily walked over to the lockers when I heard all the girls screaming.

"Oh my gosh, they're here!"

"Henri is just so gorgeous I could die!"

"I wish Kyle would smile at me!"

"Sebastian is so cool!"

"Alex is so kind"
I heard all of the girls fangirling about then. For some reason it felt very nostalgic. I must have been gone for ages. When they came in, they all went straight for me.

"Good morning Zara!" Jake exclaimed.

"G-good morning" I stuttered. I felt all the girls staring at me with killer looks. If looks could kill, I would have been destroyed so badly that a forensics expert wouldn't be able to recognise my face.

He poked his finger in the middle of my face.

"What's with that gloomy face, you looked like your dog died-"

"Don't even joke about that! That's actually scary".

"Sorry!" He joked, which made me smile a little bit but it immediately turned into a frown.

"Who the hell is she?!"

"Some ugly transfer student"

"She probably paid them to talk to her"

"Maybe she's a prostitute!"

"Dirty slut".

I heard those comments and I suddenly broke out into a sadistic laugh. The bell rang.

"Come on let's go!" I laughed.

"Zara-" Robert tried to say.

"Come on guys? We don't want to be late" I interrupted.

We went to our seats which brought back all sorts of memories.

"Well hello Zara! Long time no see! How have you been?" Mr. Cryan asked.

"I've been just fine but I wasn't able to come to school, sorry!" I answered.

"No problem! As long as your fine" he reassured me.

After our classes we were heading to a table when David grabbed my arm.

" Zara, are you ok?" He asked worriedly.

"Ok? I couldn't be better!" I said with a bittersweet smile on my face.

We went to the table when Anthony asked " Zara, I heard about Cherry and the others. Are you sure your ok?"

"It's fine. They were bound to forget me anyway plus they would have probably gotten hurt if they became friends with me, if you remember." I replied.

They all went silent.

"Don't worry. I'm a stronger person now. These things can't affect me anymore".

"But they still hurt don't they" Alexander remarked.
He kept quiet this whole time so I was surprised when he spoke.

"I know the feeling, that's how I felt when Suzie died and I had to continue with the piles of paperwork I had to do as if nothing happened, in fact I got even more since I had to plan her wake and her funeral. 'I've been through worse than this so it doesn't affect me any more' but it still hurts and it's still hard isn't it".

"Everything hurts............the fact that my sister would stab me just for a guy. The fact that you guys knew about it and planned it for so long. The fact that David could kiss her like that and then turn his back on her moments afterwards. All this time I was betrayed. These rumours are nothing compared to the pain I feel now".

They all looked down in despair. 'How could we have hurt Zara'

'How much pain could she be feeling right now'

'How long was she feeling this way'.
These were probably the thoughts running through their heads, which weren't a surprise to be but I had already past the stage where I would be sad they are feeling like this. I looked at all of them and told them

"Guys, I'm aiming for perfection. I don't want to be weak or useless or unimportant. I don't want this pain to happen again. I want to be perfect so I can stand atop everyone else. I want to be the best, I will be the best and that's what I will strive for".

They all stared at me wide-eyed but Alex smiled, lunged over the table and grabbed my hands.

"Then let's reach perfection together"

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