Chapter 5 : Untrustworthy

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It was December 23th.
Everything was going as normal but I was beginning to notice that Henri and Sebastian were sort of ignoring each other. When ever they talked to each other, there was a suffocating atmosphere around them and when eventually one left, the air was toxic.

I didn't know what happened to them at all. Whenever I asked them about it, Henri would always say because he is a raping bastard" and whenever I asked Sebastian he would say "because he is a perverted annoyance in my life", but Sebastian was becoming to be a lot more open and feeling.

He had a bit more of a caring tone in his voice which made me smile every time I talked. Henri on the other hand, had been around me a lot more lately. He tried to switch seats with Anthony but he wouldn't move. He always sat beside me during lunch but we sat a bit of a distance away from each other. Sometimes he would just smile and me or he would pat my head for no reason. He didn't hold me as much though. It seemed like he just wanted to make me smile, which annoyed me in its own way as it could feel a bit cheesy. Nevertheless, it was bothering me to see them fight. I just wanted all of us to be friends.

At first I thought that they thought that I was just their play toy that they tossed around but ever since Sebastian said that, it made me feel a bit welcome. I was about to go home when Henri called me over to him.

"Zara, would you like to come over to my house for a Christmas party?" He asked.
"Oh I'd love to, are all of us going" I questioned, referring to Sebastian.
"Of course, all of us will be there" he answered with a smile on his face.
"Thank you" I replied. I flicked his head.
"What was that for?!"he asked surprisedly.
"It was to ward off fighting at the party" I answered with a smile on my face "well bye then!".
"B-bye" Henri said seeming a bit confused.

The next day, I wore a white button t-shirt and a black and gold skirt with a black belt and I went over to his house.
He let me into his main hall but there was nobody there.
"Where is everybody?" I questioned.
"Oh no, it's just you and me". He announced with a lustfull smile. At that moment, all of this servants left the room.

"I don't feel very comfortable, I think I'll go" I told him, but as I tried to leave he grabbed my hand.
"Let me take you to somewhere more..........comfortable" he answered.
He half-dragged me into his room.
"How about here" he said rhetorically.
"I really don't feel comfortable, please let me go" I started to plead.

He seemed really upset.

"Why do you have close relationships with everyone else but me" he asked sadly.
I was speechless. I tried to reply but he interrupted me before I could say anything.

"I can't take it anymore, it's suffocating" he interrupted.
He pulled me onto the bed on top of him.

"Henri!" I shouted feeling very surprised.
"I can't take it anymore" Henri whispered.
He started to kiss me, but I was struggling. He eventually pinned me down and started to kiss me passionately. When he stopped, pinned down I pleaded "Please Henri, stop please!".

He didn't pay attention to me at all. He then began to move downwards and kiss my neck. I could feel his hands unbuttoning my shirt. I felt terrified. I tried to push him away but he was too strong.
"Henri, please stop. I'm not ready for this, I can't do this, I don't want to do this" I begged.

"No, you're mine today" he answered everyday I see you with the other guys and it kills me, you even kissed Sebastian........I can't take it anymore" he said woefully. I felt a bit of his pain but I was overcome by fear. By this time he had gone half-way down my shirt and started to suck at my chest while holding my incredibly close. He left marks all over me.

"P-please, s-stop Henri" I pleaded and begged but he wouldn't stop.
I just gave up. I put my head to the side and I started to cry. He took is arm away from my left hand and put it on my thigh. The moment he did that, I instinctively slapped him.

"How could you!" I cried.

He just looked at me in shock. He came back to his senses after I slapped him but I still couldn't believe it. I scrambled up and ran away trying to button up my shirt while running and I saw David and Robert. I called him before hand to ask him about the party but they didn't know about it. I told him that if I didn't call them in ten minutes that he and Robert should come over.

"Za-" David began to say but then he noticed what condition I was in. I ran into his arms.
"What happened to you" he asked worryingly" There are marks all over you".
"H-henri" I muttered still crying.
"What did he do to you" Robert asked putting his arm around me.
Henri came out then. David walked over to Henri.

"What the hell did you do?!" He shouted. He punched Henri and grabbed him by his collar.
"I didn't do it ..........but" he said woefully.
David let go of him and feel down onto his knees.

"What have you done!" He whispered angrily.

Robert and I were still behind and he was trying to calm me down. I just ran away, out of the house. David and Robert followed me. Henri wanted to go to but the moment he took a step, David stopped him.

"Stay away, if I see you anywhere near Zara from now on I will make you wish you were never born" he threatened. I ran into a little garden in a run-down neighbourhood. I stayed there for a while until David came.

"Go away" I shouted.

He didn't reply. He just came down and hugged me.
"I'm sorry" he whispered into my ear. " I'll never leave your side again".
I couldn't believe his words. Considering what Henri did I just couldn't feel like I could trust any of them.

"Let go of me" I pleaded.

He grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

"Zara, please believe me" David begged "I know you feel like you can't trust any of us because of.......him, but I love you Zara, please".

I listened with a heavy heart but I couldn't bring myself to trust him.
David looked down in sadness.
"At least let me take you home" he insisted calmly.

I nodded.

He took me home and I just went up to bed ignoring all of my family. I didn't eat anything at all. I just stayed and cried in my room. Just me, all alone, just me.

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