Chapter 9: Exposed

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I frightened everyone in the hospital. Jake and Robert came rushing into the room.
"What happened" Jake asked frantically.

"Nothing" I replied nonchalantly.

"Good morning sleepy head" Robert greeted. He put his hand on my head but I ignored him and settled down in my bed.

"Good morning guys, I haven't seen you in awhile." I greeted them very generally "I've missed a lot of school haven't I ".

"Zara......." Jake sighed.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired of being in the hospital all the time" I replied.

"With your grades you will probably catch up easily" Robert consoled me with a smile on his face.

"To be fair, I'm honestly surprised that you are so composed even though you are just after waking up" Jake questioned.

"There is no point in acting all dazed and confused when there is no need to".

David and Henri then walked in. Henri looked shocked while David smiled and said "Good mo-"

"Henri!" I exclaimed, cutting off David. "I haven't seen you in ages".
He looked surprised at my response to him and he gave me a bittersweet smile.

"Hey, long time no see, how've you been?"

"Not very well as you can see"

"I heard what the guys did to you and I must say, that was sick". He commented evilly.

He looked around at all the guys in the room but then I gave him a look which brought his attention back to me.

"You think that's sick" I retorted "You pedophile".

"Oh, I'm not a pedophile!"

"Says the one who tried to rape her" Sebastian commented.

"Oi, stay out of this will you". Henri shouted.

I just started to laugh. They all stared at me as if I was a weirdo but I just kept laughing. It had been a while since I had been around people who were so lively. The last time I was in hospital, the only company I ever had was my mother and she wasn't very lively, due to the situation at the time, so I was really happy to see people talking and shouting with each other.

After a while, the other guys left the room except David, who stayed behind. I stared into space when he asked

"Zara? You feeling ok?". He put his hand on top of mine but I moved it away.

"Don't be angry, Zara." He caressed my face and brought me close to him. "I love you".

"That's why I don't believe you!" I burst out "You say that you love me all the time so the word doesn't matter anymore".

"Huh? But don't you like it when I say that I love you?"

"I did, ish...............the first time, but the more you say it the less I believe you" I lectured "it almost seems like a buzzword which is meant to automatically fix any situation"


"And that's not all" I continued. "It's not just you but all of you, you ....wait-".

I got out my cellphone and rang Kyle.

"Y-yes" he stuttered.

"Come here right now and call the others here too".

"But I'm in a meeting"

"I don't care, come here now! Please".


I called the others with the same tone with all the conversations going the same way. David was just there staring at me in shock as I called each one. After half an hour, they all came here.

"Zara, what's wrong" Alex called out.

"Yea, I was in a very important business meeting with Anthony's family". Kyle exclaimed.

"I love the way that even though you were in this important meeting, you were both still able to come in less than half an hour" I retorted.

"Either way, what did you want to tell us?" Henri asked.

"Oh yea, you guys are all sluts!" I shouted, leaving everyone in shock.

"W-what?!" Anthony replied, baffled by the sudden insult.

" You all tried to cling to me or come close to me for NO ABSOLUTE REASON! I wanted to tell you that if you thought that you were showing your ' affection' then you are far from it".

"What are you talking about?!" Anthony exclaimed.

"For example, on the first day, David here kissed me as an 'apology' even though he didn't really do anything wrong, he was just rude to me which the reason was explained afterwards".

David looked incredibly embarrassed as all the guys stared at him in hatred.

"Sigh" Alex sighed.

"Hey, you have no right to say anything. Remember on your Halloween party you slept with me".

All the guys looked at him in total disbelief. It made me almost laugh, which is a pretty evil thing to say I know but man, it was awesome. Alex looked terrified. He looked like he was about to die at that moment which just widened my smile.

"What?! You son of a bitch!" Henri cried out and grabbed Alex's collar.

"You bastard!" David cried as he charged up to him ready to punch him when I butted in and said while sniggering

"He literally slept with me. He didn't do anything else. We were just on the same bed and we were sleeping".

They all sighed in relief and fell on the ground, especially Henri and David. They looked as if they had just been sent to heaven.

"Henri, David, you both shouldn't be that relaxed either yet, I mean like we all know about Henri's rape attempt on me" I again lectured "but also when I was in my house, sick, David, you kissed me again but I guess I can't count that since you were giving me medicine".
He looked relaxed as it had seemed like he was covered.

"But don't forget, you made out with me before the incident and when I was lying on the ground half dead, and you were making out with her, you suddenly dropped her and went over to me and kissed me.......... when I had been lying on the ground, in pain, nearly dead.

What if my air supply was cut and I died right at that moment. Just saying, dick move. Add that with the amount of times you have said you love me, you are probably most guilty out of all of them.

"You guys are idiots" Sebastian exclaimed angrily.

"Oh but Sebastian, what about when we made out on the roof at school" I replied "Wouldn't you say that was stupid too?".

"What about them?" Alex commented, referring to Anthony, Kyle, Jake and Robert.

"That's why I like them, they have done absolutely nothing to me". I answered him." But either way I'm just saying, doing all this crap isn't gonna make me love you more, in fact it will make me trust you less because then I can't believe the sincerity of your actions".

At that moment, a nurse had come in to take me to my daily health check.

"See you guys, by the way, you better have notes prepared for me to take down, ok?" I asked in a kind, friendly manner which really didn't suit the conversation we had just had beforehand.

We all left the room. I went with the nurse to one of the doctors while the guys went to Sebastian's house for another meeting.

Hey guys, I'm REALLY SORRY for not updating in so long, I just haven't had the time, thanks for bearing with me though, and I'll make sure that I update the next chapter as soon as I can! Also, don't forget to like and comment!

To my AWESOME readers

From Pengu124

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