Someway Somehow

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Serena's P.O.V

Another week has passed since Ash told me that him and his mom has been planning on moving.

I still can't talk to him strait up without a striking pain entering my heart.

"So what do you want for Christmas?" My mom asked.

Immediately after she said that my mind knew what I wanted. I wanted Ash not to move. But what can my mom do about that.

"Nothing." I played with my spoon in the cereal bowl.

"Nothing?" She pulled out a pop tart from the cabinet and looked back at my worriedly. "How can you want nothing?"

"I'm getting older Mom, there's nothing that I want." I continued to play with my cereal.

"I still want things for Christmas and I am way older then you. There has to be something you want. Maybe new clothing? New anything? You're own horse? New phone?"

She continued to ask for what I wanted, but everything she said seemed worthless to me. I also have a keen sense of not buying anything that I don't need. My phone's fine, works great and I love it, why on earth would I need to buy another one? And then I have my mom's horse Mal, which is all I need, we don't need to buy a second one, we would just have to buy more hay and gather more tools, waste of money. I don't need any new clothing either, mine still fits me and I'm perfectly fine with the ones I have. Everything she asked continued to get more and more stupid. Like buying me a karaoke machine. Why the hell would I want that? Then a T.V. for my room? I don't barely watch T.V. anyway.

"There's something wrong if you don't want anything." She set her hands on the side of the counter and looked at me.

"There's nothing wrong." I sat up from my seat and grabbed my backpack and binder.

Then I grabbed the pop tart that my mom left for me on the counter and went to the front door. I opened it up and felt the cold wind go against my face once again as I stepped out.

I walked out and pulled the front gate open, pushing the snow to the side.

Ash's P.O.V

As I sat in the seat of the bus I remembered the field trip. The time where Gary showed that Serena was sleeping on my shoulder, which I didn't mind, but I'm still mad about him sending it to everyone. And especially the one where we fell.

I face palmed myself as I remembered it. Sure it was embarrassing, but at the same time it seemed like the best day of my life. It wasn't boring like the rest I had and the rest where it just turns out bad.

"What are you doing?" Gary asked as he took a seat next to me.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I looked out the window, houses with snow all over the roofs and door steps.

"Why can't you just tell me what happened between you and Serena yet? It's bothering me like heck. Serena's been acting different and so have you. I want to know." Gary asked, almost worried! Ha! That's a joke, he's never asks out of worry.

"I told you to just leave me alone." I continued to look out the window.

"Dude, seriously. How long are you going to keep me from what happened? It's been a week and I'm not patient, damn it."

"Agh, listen, you know that I'm moving right?" I turned around to face him.

He shook his head up and down, showing that he knew.

"Well I told Serena and now she's all bummed out."

"Really? Ashy-boy!" He punched me in the side of my arm.

Pokemon Junior High ~Young Love~ (Amourshipping)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن