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"I have to go." I sat up from the lunch table with my tray of wrappers.

"Where are you going?" Asked May.

"I promised a friend of mind to show him around campus."

"Him?" May exclaimed.

I sighed as I threw away and my trash and said, "There's only 15 minutes of lunch left, seriously I got to go." And with that, I went over to Ash's table.

Luckily his table was far away from mine and good thing that the table in front of mine was leaving, so no one could see me.

Once I reached the table I saw Ash sitting down with other boys, laughing. He had a cute laugh.

"Ash." I technically whispered the name.

Ash turned his head around and saw me, his face lighting up, making me blush a bit.

"Hey Serena!" He jumped up from his seat and grabbed his backpack.

I gave a shy, "Hey." When I noticed that everyone sitting at the table with him was starring at me.

"Got to go guys." Ash smiled.

"Where you going with a pretty girl like that?" Gary asked as he walked up behind Ash, making him jump.

What Gary said, made me blush a deep pink.

"Why did you jump?" Gary asked.

"Because you crept up on me!"

"Don't tell me that you're already scared of me Ashy-boy. We've only been neighbors for about 2 months and now I'm already gonna be feared by you? That's a bad sign." Gary sat down, taking Ash's seat.

"I already told you that it was because you snuck up on me!"

"Whatever." Gary opened his bag of chips and started eating them.

"Agh, come on we gotta go." Ash started to walk away.

"Wait, why don't you introduce us?" Gary asked.

Gary. Why was he hanging with Ash?

"Oh- um okay." Ash pointed at Gary and said, "Well that's Gary."

"She already knows me stupid." Gary scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah." Ash replied, not paying attention to him.

"That's Drew." He pointed to a boy wearing a black, long sleeved shirt and a purple vest. His pants were a light green. His hair and eyes were green as well.

"Barry." He pointed to a boy with blond hair and orange eyes. He wore a short sleeve cardigan with orange and white stripes. He also had on gray pants, brown boots and a brown shoulder bag.

"That's Kenny." Ash pointed to Kenny.

I already knew him since he was neighbors with Dawn and went to kindergarten with her too. I also met him the first time in Social Studies when Dawn and him was teamed up together.

Kenny wore a green shirt with a white strip wrapping around his waist and gray jeans. He had black eyes and dark auburn hair.

"Clemont." He pointed to a blonde with blue eyes, the same as mine, but he wore glasses. He wore a blue jumper suit with yellow scattered around his suit with a weird backpack attached to his back.

"And that's Paul." Ash pointed at a boy who wore a teal undershirt and a dark purple jacket with two pockets on the sides. He wore gray jeans as well. He also had the same color purpled sneakers as his jacket and he had black eyes and purple hair. Paul had his eyes closed, his head facing the ground with his arms crossed as Ash introduced him.

"And this is Serena." He looked over at me, smiling.

Everyone looked over at me, making me nervous.

"We- we gotta go." I walked away from the table and to the doors of the cafeteria that led to the outside.

Ash followed and we both went to the building in front of us, the B building.

We eventually reached the building and I showed him his classrooms and it turned out that I also had the same 5th period class as he did.


By the time I finished showing him around, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of the classrooms next to us.

"Gotta go, see ya later." Ash smiled.

"Bye." I turned around and headed towards my next class.

My next class was Language Arts. Nothing really happened in that class though, all that happened was just review from 7th grade, which was good since I was good at the subject, but I wasn't actually into reading. I only read unless it's a really good book. Which only happens like twice a year.

Once that class was over I headed over to 5th period, my elective. I rushed over to it, excited to see Ash again.

Once I reached my class I saw Ash standing in line talking to Barry.

"Hey." I walked up to them, before Dawn jumped up in front of me.

"Hey, your Ash right?" Dawn asked, smiling at Ash.

"Uh- Yeah." Ash said, gleefully as he always did.

"Great! Anyway, I was hope that you could come sit with me and Serena in Ceramics! Any of your friends are welcome to sit with us." Dawn jumped up, clapping her hands together.

I face palmed myself in front of everyone. What the heck was Dawn thinking? Just going up and asking-

"Sure! I wouldn't mind." Ash smiled and put his hands behind his head, creating a headrest.

I stood their dumbfounded at best, how could Dawn be so confident?


Soon people started to walk in the classroom in front of us and we followed. As we entered we all searched for a table.

Dawn found a table for all of us and it turned out that May, Misty, and Drew were in the class as well, so we made room for them.

"Good afternoon class. You may all call me Roxanne and today you shall all be learning the basics of ceramics. As you can see on the screen, there are all of the tools that we will be using as we create magnificent pieces of work." The teacher motioned her hands towards a pot in front of her, reflection the light off of its sides as the lights shone light on it. The one next to it lustered as it was turned around on a counter by Roxanne.

Most of the people starred in awe at the two objects, knowing that they were going to make something like that themselves.


Eventually the class ended and the dismiss bell rang, telling the whole school that school was now over. I was honestly excited for school tomorrow and the next day after that. On Wednesday we would be able to create our own pot out of clay in Ceramics, which gave me something to look towards to.

I don't know about Ash though, he didn't seem very enthusiastic the whole class. In fact, he fell asleep in his seat, but the chair moved, almost leading him to fall backwards in his chair, but instead it woke him up and he caught himself just in time.

Everyone almost broke out laughing during Roxanne's demonstration on making a clay pot as he woke up. I got to admit though, that I was one of those people who tried not to laugh out.

But FINALLY! Today was finally over! I thought it was never going to end!

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