Dropped Puzzle Pieces

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Ash's P.O.V

I looked up at the kart that Serena and Calem were in as it turned back and forth, both of them talking.

It hurt as I watched them talk. Who knows what they were talking about. Probably Calem asking her out or something.

Then the pictured them being a couple and giving each other a kiss popped into my head that made me feel like I died. I backed away from the Ferris Wheel and sat down in a bench near it and starred down at the ground.

Should I tell her? No. If I do, it would only end up bad. I remember what my mom told me before she dropped me off to the field trip. Her words repeating its self as I tried to put the pieces together. But I couldn't. My hands would shake and drop a piece to the puzzle. Ending up falling over the table and never to be seen again. And the pieces that I dropped was one of the most important, last pieces. The one to fix my heart. The one to stop my mom from moving again. The one to tell Serena my feelings.

I felt a tear rolled down my cheek and hit the cement underneath me. If I could find those pieces, then maybe- just maybe, I could tell Serena and convince my mom to stop her from moving to another state. My heart took another bruise as I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes shut, tears falling down my cheeks. My hand grabbed the left side of my shirt, trying to get to my heart and stop the pain.

Serena's P.O.V

As I walked out of the line, I pictured me and Ash being a couple, me blushing at the thought.

May ran up from behind me, getting out of the Ferris Wheel with Misty and Drew.

"Hey!" Misty said.

"Hey." I replied.

"Why are you blushing?" She asked.

"Oh- uh. I-"

"Thinking of Ash?" She smiled.

I didn't reply and instead, stayed quite.

"You should ask him out." Misty smirked, coming out of no where.

"What!?" I backed up.

"Yeah! I mean it's obvious that you guys both like each other." Misty smiled.

"No way! We're only 13!" I yelled at her.

"That doesn't matter!" Misty frowned.

"Agh." I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand.

Ash's P.O.V

I saw Serena exit the Ferris Wheel, along with Misty, Drew, May, and Calem.

I wiped my tears and then stood up and walked towards them.

Serena saw me and smiled. I gave back a fake smile, hoping that she wouldn't notice that it was fake.

I looked over at the Ferris Wheel again and saw Iris, Gary, Kenny, and Dawn all come out of the next kart and jumping out to join us.


After a while, everyone gathered together and discussed what ride to go on next.

"What about that one where you're on a raft and go through a river?" Misty suggested.

"What's that?" Iris asked.

"I think it's called Grizzly river run." Calem said.

"Sounds like fun!" Serena clapped her hands together.

"I think I'm gonna take a break." Dawn sweet dropped.

"Why aren't you going?" May pouted.

"I'm tired." Dawn sighed.

"I don't want to get on that ride two." Kenny shrugged

"Fine." Gary crossed his arms. "But you're going to miss out."


We walked over to it and waited in line for another 30 minutes which seemed like it went by pretty fast. Once we reached the end of the line we saw people get out of the rafts soaking wet.

When it was our turn, we all went in one group, there was only 8 seats available in the raft, which was perfect, so we all took one raft together.

I ended up sitting on the end of the other half next to Misty and Misty sitting next to Drew, who sat next to May. Then on the other side Serena ended up sitting in the middle while Calem sat to the left of her. Then Gary to the other side of her and Iris next to him.

Once the raft started to move, it started off smoothly and then we reached the part where it lifted the raft up over a large hill to start of the raft to go down hill. Then it got bumpy and water started to splash into the raft. Then we went around and ended up heading towards a fall.

When it fell, I ended up falling backwards. Everyone screamed as they got wet. But when the raft actually stopped is when I got wet. I felt my back become soaked with cold water.

Then we neared an even larger drop where two metal gate doors opened and closed to let the first one fall and then the next one and the next one, until we were eventfully next.

As soon as we knew it, the gates opened and the raft fell as water was lifted up into the air an everyone screamed, getting wet.

When the raft slowed down, water jumping at everyone as it did.

I looked over at everyone and I saw everyone was as wet as I was, which was funny because I was soaked.

Then we neared what was supposed to be a geyser, water coming from the bottom of the river floor,shooting water into the sky.

The people on my side all had there backs turned towards it, getting ready to get wet, but instead, we felt nothing and the geyser went under the raft and came out the other side, hitting Serena, Gary, Calem, and Iris.

It looked like it hit Serena the most, water landing on top of her head and lap.

Once we reached the end, we were all soaking wet and cold as the breeze passed by.

We all undid our seat belts and stood you, water dripping down everyone's hair.

Everyone walked out of the raft and moved on the the moving floor underneath them. Calem walked out In front of me then I stepped out of the raft and looked back, Serena coming out next. I put my hand out for her to take and she took it. I pulled her up and she smiled as she looked up at me, both of us soaking wet.


Serena turned around as I looked over her shoulder and saw Gary, water dripping from his cloths.

"Mind moving, I'm trying to get out."

"Oh, sorry-" Serena quickly moved out of the way and let Gary and Iris walk out of the raft, me and Serena following.

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