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After the fight, everyone stayed quite the whole class until the warning bell rang. I gathered my stuff and stuffed them into my binder and backpack. I really didn't want to be late to lunch. The lines would get huge and it would be impossible to get anything by the time I got there. I was just about to get my lunch money when I looked over at Ash, his face showing that he was still mad from earlier.

"Are- are you okay?" I asked.

"Huh?" He looked over at me. "Oh. Yeah, I guess."

He put his binder into his backpack and swung it over his shoulder. "I guess I was just tired of putting up with Gary. He's my neighbor, so I have to listen to him everyday about stuff like that." He rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry about that."

"It's alright." I smiled.

It stayed quite for awhile, but I guess Ash decided to stop the silence and said, "I tend to get lost in this school. It's one of the largest I've been enrolled in." He looked at me. "Since you seem to know your way around, can you show me around? Like maybe showing where all my classes are?"

"Oh- um, sure." I couldn't tell if I blushed or not, but I was surprised he asked me. "Well... the next class I have is lunch."

"Wait? Lunch?" He asked, his voice panicky.


Right after I said that, the dismiss bell rang and everyone ran out of the classroom, including me and Ash. I don't know where Iris and Misty went though.

"Shoot, I didn't bring any lunch money!" He face palmed himself in the head as he ran through the hallway to get to the cafeteria.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that." I reached into the side my backpack and grabbed out a five dollar bill.

"Wait. What?" He looked down at the money in my hands.

"No, no, no." He put his hands up in front of him. "I don't want you paying for my lunch."

"It's no problem. My mom purposely gave me extra money for me to give to anyone who didn't have enough or forgot theirs."

His hand motioned towards the money that I held out in front of him, but then he hesitated and said, "You're sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure!" I laughed.

"Okay then." He said, unsure, as he took the money out of my hands.

I walked towards the lunch lines, but I stopped when Ash followed me.

"Thanks." He said.

"No problem." I said this, almost mumbling my sentence.

"I'll show you around after I finish my lunch."

"Thanks, that means a lot." Ash gave a wide grin and walked towards the lunch line.

I felt my cheeks heat up. I made sure to look away, so Ash doesn't do what he did in Social Studies where he leaned in closer to me.

After about five minutes, we finally got up to the front of the line and got our lunch. I hoped that he didn't follow me, since I sat with all my friends that were girls, except for Calem.

"See ya and thanks for the help so far." Ash turned around towards where his group of friends were and walked over to them.

I gave a sigh and then walked over to my group, Misty, May, Iris, Calem, and of course, Dawn. I was still afraid if she already told anyone about my crush on Ash. It would just make a problem for me that I just don't need right now.

Once I reached my table I saw that everyone had already have gotten their lunches.

"Hey guys." I took a seat next to May and Iris, making sure to not make eye contact with Dawn.

"So? Have you girls seen any cute boys?" Misty asked, bringing back the topic from earlier that morning.

"I hope that your not talking to me." Calem laughed.

Misty punched him immediately after he said that, almost knocking him off his chair.

"What was that for?" Calem rubbed his shoulder where Misty hit him.

"For being a boy." Misty replied flatly.

"Well... I guess I've seen some cute ones, but their not any are my type. But maybe for you guys." Dawn said.

"Well? Speak up." Misty said.

"Well, there was this guy named Ash."

I felt my heart stop. AGAIN. How many dang times is my heart going to mess with me today? I feel like my his whole day has just been a whole nonstop rode to death.

"Him? I don't think so." Iris crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "He's such a kid."

"I have to agree with you with him being somewhat like a kid, but I guess he is cute." Misty said.

I wanted to yell out that he was an amazing personality, but what right do I have to say that? But he did have so many wonderful traits. And I wanted to say that he wasn't a kid, well... At least I though he wasn't. I decided to not say anything, so I stayed quite, trying not to make anything noticeable that I liked him.

"I didn't see anyone that I specifically liked." Iris sighed.

"Me either." Misty sighed too and took a sip of her water.

"Hey, Serena, did you see anyone you liked?" Dawn asked me.

I froze.

"Oh. N- no, I didn't." I stuttered.

"I can't tell if you're lying or not." Iris starred at me with eyes that made me shutter. It was as if she was looking into my soul.

"I'm lyi- I'm not lying!"

"Now I think your lying." Iris leaned back in her chair.

"I really just don't get you girls." Calem slouched down in his chair.

"Well, we don't get boys." Misty said, grumpily.

Pokemon Junior High ~Young Love~ (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now