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Although I had told Maxon I was tired, the exact opposite was true. As soon as Maxon left, shutting the door behind him, I collapsed onto the bed, only to hop right back up and pace around the room. I know I'm overreacting and that leaving the palace would be the safest for us, but I can't stop the feeling that leaving means giving up. 

I must have fallen asleep at some point because before I know it, the room is dark and a maid who was waiting quietly in the corner got up from her chair and went into the room adjacent to mine, Maxon's. A few seconds later he comes in and sits next to me on the bed. 

"Hey," he says.

"Hey." I scoot into his arms and rest my head on his shoulder. In the silence that follows, I begin to feel a sense of home in his arms. Even though abandoning the palace would mean abandoning the home I and my family shares with millions, the warmth of Maxon's arms remind me that no matter where in the world I am, as long as Maxon's there with me then I'm home. 

"What would happen?" I ask the shadows.

Maxon shifts, "what would happen what?"

"What would happen if we left? Abandon the palace; abandon our people? What would be the downfall?"

"Dear," Maxon says. He kisses the top of my head before continuing, "Leaving the palace would not mean leaving our people. We can never leave them. What we need to do is get to a safe place and continue negotiations from there."

"But what if we get to a safe place, negotiate, and nothing ever changes?"

"Things will change, America. You and I know that better than anybody else."

The conversation faded away after that. Words were replaced silence. Maxon placed a hand on my stomach and I covered his hand with mine. Even with the world falling apart Maxon was somehow able to keep it together enough to see the bright side.

We fell asleep leaning against each other, letting our worries fall away. In the moments where the world seems to stand still, I can finally to begin to feel truly at home.

What Happened After: A Maxerica FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now