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We were now in Lucas's basment. It was a gym. His basement was actually a gym.

"Okay, so what you wanna do is ball your fist and hit the bag." Lucas said.

I raised my eyebrows. "You act like I don't know how to hit something." I told him.

I did what he said. After I rolled my eyes. I balled my fist and hit the punching bag.

"No like this." He punched the bag and it moved big time.

"Show off." He shrugged and smiled.

I tried to do it like he did but failed. "Alright here."

He came behind me and put his hands on mine and kept them in a fist. He moved it forward slowly, gripping my hand. He angled my arm and hit the bag.

"Like that, only faster." He instructed.

I did what he said. The bag moved a little more this time.

He nodded. "Good job...progress."

I sighed and took off the gloves. "Guys I'm tired we can do this tomorrow."

"No we can't. You have to learn this stuff." Zander said.

"I really don't. This is stupid." I told them.

"Hey, were just trying to help you protect yourself." Lucas said.

"I know how to protect myself guys. I'm not a kitten." I shrugged.

"No your not, but you act like one." Adam told me.

"I do not act like a kitten." I said, my voice getting a little high.

"Oh please, your the ultimate good girl. You'll always need someone to protect you if you can't protect yourself." Dylan said.

"Not really. I can take care of myself." I crossed my arms.

"Not without us." Jason said.

I just gaped at them. I can protect myself. I know how.

"You guys, I don't need you to protect me. I'm a big girl." I said angrily.

Lucas walked up to me.

"No your not. Your a little kitten that needs to be proctected until you can protect yourself. Don't take it personally Sage, your just weak-"

I put both hands on his shoulders, pulled him inward and kicked up my knee and hit him straight in gut. Then I pushed him back with everything I had.

"Don't you ever, ever call me weak again. Do you here me? I can protect myself. Don't act like I didn't save all your sorry asses when we first met. I'm not weak. I'm not a kitten. Screw you Lucas. Screw all of you."

I turned around and stormed out of the house. Not before knocking over a few things in the basement.


I was pacing in my room. Me? Weak? How dare they? If it wasn't for me, they'd probably all be dead. I can protect myself.

A kitten? If anything, I'm a....I'm a....predetor. Yeah, a predetor. I'm fast and...I lurk on my prey until I give them a surprise attack! You know, I'm in the shadows. My eyes locked on my prey. Getting ready to attack. Almost about to go for the kill.

Then my other predetor friends think I'm to weak and scare my food away. They ruined my surprise attack.

Surprise attack....that gives me an idea. The guys think I'm a kitten?

I'll show them the cheetah.


I finished putting on some earrings when I heard the doorbell ring. I smirked in the mirror. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. When I opened the door, the guys were standing there. I groaned.

"Why and what are you doing here?" I asked.

They all walked in. Not even bothering to ask.

"You know I really can't talk now. I'm waiting for-"

"Okay, we know we called you weak but-"

"But what?" I walked up closer to Lucas.

"But you shouldn't have gone off like that." He said.

I scoffed. "I'm sorry, did you come here to apologize?"

"We just think that you went to far-"

"To far?"

"Okay, could you just stop interuppting-"

The door bell rang. I smiled.

"Hold that thought. My dates here." I said and opened the door.

"Date?" They all asked.

I opened the door and we smiled at each other. He looked at the guys.

"Oh,if I knew this was a date for six I would have brought more flowers." He joked.

I laughed. He handed me red roses and I smiled and looked at the guys.

"Let's go Cyrus. They were just leaving."

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