01: buffy summers comes to sunnydale

Start from the beginning

"Really?" Willow asks as I hand him his skateboard. "Well, Lindsay can't really help but you can."

I stick my tongue out at Xander. "Very nice."

"Anyway, I kind of had a problem with the math," Xander says, looking to Willow for some sort of help.

"Which part?"

"The math," he emphasizes. "Can you help me out tonight? Please be my study buddy?"

Rolling my eyes, I watch Willow's smile grow a little wider. Xander, of course, misses her little hints and it drives me insane. Xander is mindless when it comes to girls half of the time though so I'm not surprised he doesn't get Willow's crush on him.

"Well what's in it for me?" she asks.

I give her a look. Please, just hanging out with him alone is good enough for Willow.

"A shiny nickel."

"Gosh Xander," I add, not wanting to keep my mouth shut anymore. "Could you be anymore lame? A nickel, really?"

His eyes narrow at me. "It's called being funny."

"Then try harder," I shoot back, shaking my head.

"Enough," Willow steps in, looking at me for almost ruining a moment with Xander tonight. "Okay, I'll do it. Do you have Theories in Trig? You should check it out."

Xander looks at her like she's speaking another language. "Check it out?"

"From the library," I sigh. His stupidity almost hurts sometimes.

"Where the books live," Willow adds more gently, soaking up this attention from Xander.

He nods his head. "Right, see? I want to change," he says before coming up on a guy he knows, Jesse, who is talking about this new girl. Was that the one I saw him checking out? "Right I saw her, pretty much a hottie."

If Willow was hurt, she didn't let it show. "I heard someone was transferring."

"Why didn't I hear about this?" I question.

"You're too busy looking to have fun," Willow explains. "Or not paying attention in class. Maybe you missed someone bring it up."

I should be offended but I just shrug. "It's true."

"What's the sitch, what do you know about her?" Xander asks Jesse.

"Ah, new girl." Xander sighs.

"You're certainly a font of nothing!"


After class I quickly meet up with Willow by my locker. I exchange the books I don't need and replace them with ones for classes later today.

"So, what were you saying about your mom earlier?" Willow asks as we walk down the hall from my locker.

I clutch my notebooks in my arms, my finger running down the spines. "I think she's seeing someone."

"Isn't that a good thing? Your dad has been gone two years. Maybe she needs someone of the opposite gender to keep her company," she says before pulling her red hair to the side so she can get a drink from the water fountain.

Crunching my nose in disgust, I shudder. "I do not need those images in my head." A voice catches my attention-a voice I'd rather go my life not hearing-Cordelia. She's another cheerleader or so to be cheerleader I should say, but we do not get along whatsoever. She's more concerned with her appearance and popularity then being a nice human being.

"Willow," Cordelia says in an already teasing manner as the new girl watches.

"Crap," I murmur as Willow stands up, wiping her mouth. I stand next to her, letting Cordelia know if she gets in Willow's face she'll have me to deal with.

"Nice dress," she fakes compliments. "Good to know you've seen the softer side of Sears."

Glaring at Cordelia, I allow Willow to try and defend herself. "Oh, well, my mom picked it out," Willow says all too innocently.

"No wonder you're such a guy magnet. Are you done?" she asks in a cut tone, eyeing Willow and sizing her up.

"Oh!" Willow exclaims before quickly walking away.

Watching my best friend getting bullied doesn't settle well with me. "Leave Willow alone," I seethe to the loud mouthed girl in front of me who I can describe only in a bunch of colorful words that shouldn't be spoken in front of my mother.

"Lindsay," Cordelia sighs. "If only I got to you first like Buffy here. If you would've been able to identify the losers maybe you could've been more popular."

"Popularity means nothing to me if I don't have loyal friends," I come back and spit out. "Willow is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. What do people say about you I wonder?" I ask before turning away and meeting Willow by the door, not bothering to look back.

Grabbing Willow's arm, I pull her away from staring back at Cordelia. "I wish I can stand up for myself like you," Willow sulks.

I wrap an arm around her shoulders. "You will. Until then we'll stand up to her together."

Willow smiles and nods, seeming to feel a lot better about what just happened. I will do anything for my friends and if that's cussing out the popular girl then so be it.

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