You get sick on the tour bus

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You have been know for getting headaches. It mainly came from hearing too many noises at once.

For example if you wanted to watch a movie on your laptop in a room and someone turned on the tv in the next room the chances of you getting a headache within seconds were very likely. Louis knew about it so when you were watching a movie he tried to keep the tv on the tour bus down or he would give you a pair of headphones.

But for some reason as you guys were driving on an interstate somewhere in America you felt one of the worst headaches you felt in a while.

You buried your head under the covers and even put on a pair of noise canceling headphones but nothing seemed to be working.

Eventually Louis came looking for you and when he opened the curtain you screamed, the light hitting you made the pain unbearable. You then started to see spots and you closed your eyes tightly hoping that they would go away.

"What's wrong babe?" He said and you plugged your ears. Hearing his voice so close to your ears hurt.

"I have a really bad headache please" you said and you heard the curtain close and you shove your head back under the covers.

Ten minutes later you heard the curtain bring slowly opened and you felt someone grabbing you hand. You yanked it away not wanting anything to do with Niall's pranks. At least not today. But this hand grabbed your wrist and put in what felt like pills and then laid a water bottle next to you.

You heard the curtain slowly close as you smiled, knowing Louis did this. You took the pills and laid back down, falling asleep and remembering to thank Louis when you woke up.


You know that song that goes. 100 cartons of milk on the wall, 100 cartons of milk, take one down, pass it around, 99 cartons of milk. Well last night the boys decided it would be fun to use beer and actually do it. And you decided that since you guys were on a tour bus and hangovers were a complete bitch that maybe 100 was too much. And they said that you were right, but 50 seemed just right.

And after taking an average of 2 sips per beer you felt a little buzz and you passed out. And now your so hungover you don't even know if you can call it a hangover. You just felt so sick to your stomach.

You already puked about five times and had to take at least five or six Advil to get rid of the headache that just kept coming back. After a while you gave up and laid down on the floor near the bathroom.

You tried and tried and tried to sleep but it wouldn't work. And the boys, they were sleeping off their hangovers. You rolled your eyes at them, hating them for convincing you that it was indeed a good idea.

You felt your stomach twist as you went over a bump and you converted your mouth as you say up and opened the door, letting the pike run into the toilet. You groaned and sat back down, quickly flushing the smelly stuff so it didn't smell up the bus.

"Aw babe, are you okay?" You heard Niall ask you and you shook your head no.

"I'm sorry" he said and sat down behind you and rubbed your back. You felt a bit of the pain go away from your stress out body.

And every time you went to puke from there on out Niall would hold your hair back and get you a glass of water. He tried to make you go to sleep, hoping that you would sleep it off but you couldn't fall asleep so Niall stayed there the whole time.


You had the worst cough you had had in a long time and you didn't know what to do. Most of the time once it got so bad that you couldn't function that much you would call the doctor to get antibiotics since you hated not doing anything around the house or what was a tour bus but you cold my. You don't have Doctor here in America and you didn't want to see someone knew. You wanted your doctor.

And Harry, being the kind, loving boyfriend he is, stopped at ever pharmacy to see if there was something for you that you could take to make things better but every time he came back there was anything that actually worked.

So you laid there in your own little bunk on the bottom and waited for the boys to get back so you could at least have some company. You took a sip of the chicken broth that  was made for you and laid your head back, coughing really hard when you did so you just sat right back up and laid the pillow in a position so your head would be elevated.

You were awaken by someone opening the tour bus door and running in. You looked at the time and noticed that the boys were suppose to be back for ten to fifteen minutes.

"Are you okay?" You heard someone ask as the curtain was force opened.

"Yeah" you said and the coughing began. Harry helped you awkwardly sit up in the low bunk and you coughed it out and looked at Harry with a smile.

"Do you need more soup or some water or cough drops?" He asked in a rush and you shook your head no.

"What about"

"Harry don't worry about me" and that's when you had another coughing attack "I'm fine I can work through this. I " coughing attack. "Just don't want you" coughing attack "to get" coughing attack "sick" and you I finished of with a coughing attack and smiled at Harry and he looked at you. He had a sympathetic look on his face and you just looked away, not wanting his sympathy.

"Okay, but if you need anything just text me cause I don't want you hurting your vocal cords" he said and you opened your mouth to take but closed it and nodded.

i am gonna publish everything i have written. I did not get to liams and like i said i am out of ideas i am sorry :(((((((

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