Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning unsure of my surroundings. I was lying in bed - that much I knew. I shuffled slightly to the side and had to supress a squeal of shock when I found that I was next to Harry. I looked down at my body and saw that I was wearing one of his shirts. How drunk did we get last night? I turned to look at Harry, a smile still tugging at his lips even during his sleep. His torso was completely naked, his toned stomach showing. I couldn't help but smile at him. His eyelashes fluttered, and I knew he was waking. He opened his eyes and stared straight into mine.

"Good morning, Tina." He spoke in his raspy morning voice.

"Morning, Harry." I breathed.

I looked to the floor and saw my dress in a crumpled heap. "Harry, did we.."

"No." He cut in.

"Thank God." I muttered.

"Trust me. If we did, then you would know about it." He winked suggestively.

"Bit full of yourself." I remarked.

"Oh I know." He laughed.

"Anyway, what even happened? I couldn't stand the sight of you yesterday, now we're in bed together. What changed that?" I quizzed.

"We got drunk." He said simply.

"Oh. I'm sure I'll remember the rest later." I told him.

"Would you mind dropping me to Maisie's house later?"

"Sure." He smiled.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my dress from the floor. Harry wolf-whistled as I bent down to pick it up, and I turned around to curse at him, laughing.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower, then I dried my hair and changed into my dress. I placed a blob of toothpaste onto my finger and scrubbed my teeth gently. I'd need to go and collect my things from my house if I was going to stay at Harry's. As soon as I was finished, I strolled back into the bedroom. I joined Harry on the sofa, and he smiled at me.

"You ready to go to Maisie's?" He asked. I nodded.

Ten minutes later we arrived at her house. Harry walked me up to the front door and Maisie opened it, almost as if she'd seen us coming.

"Hello, you two!" She exclaimed, hugging me and then nodding at Harry.

"Hi." Harry and I laughed.

"Right, I'm heading off now. Text me when you want me to pick you up." He smiled.

"Okay, bye." I said, leaning up and kissing him goodbye.

I turned back and walked inside to the living room. All of the girls were there already.

"Don't make yourself too comfortable. I need to nip into town, you're all coming with me." Amy stated.


We walked around the town for what seemed like hours, traipsing around all of the shops.

"Tina!" I heard my name being shouted. I turned around to find Vanessa running towards me.


Vanessa finally caught up with us, and I introduced her to Maisie, Amy and Jayde. We invited her to join us in the café, and we all took seats at the same table we sat at the last time.

"So, Tina... Where did you go last night?" Vanessa asked me.


"Well, one minute you were there with us, the next minute you and Harry had disappeared." She explained.

Suddenly, I remembered. Everything came to me. I knew exactly what happened the night before, and my cheeks flushed bright red at the memory.

"We went back to his." I mumbled.

"Did we win the bet?" Maisie questioned, raising her eyebrows at me.

"No. Not quite."

"Not quite? Did you or didn't you?" Jayde laughed.

"Nearly." I mumbled.

"So, how far did it get before you stopped." Amy asked.

"I'm not one hundred per cent sure... I was very drunk. Worst hangover, by the way." I groaned.

"Forget the hangover, tell us what happened!"

"Okay! The last thing that happened before I called it off was my dress being lifted and him kissing my side." I muttered, staring at my shoes.



"So he stopped, just like that?" Vanessa asked.

"Yeah, as soon as I said no, he stopped."

"He must really care about you." She smiled.


"Yeah. He wouldn't stop for just anybody. He stopped because he doesn't want to lose you." She explained.

"Must've took a lot of strength for him." I pondered.


"Come on, let's go back to mine." Maisie said. "You can come too, Vanessa."

"Oh, thanks. But I really must go. Sorry." She apologised.

"Maybe another time. See you around." We said, walking to the car.

When we arrived back at Maisie's, we sat on the sofa talking. I text Harry to tell him I was ready to go, and he said he was on his way.

"Girls, Harry's going to be here any minute." I said, standing up.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Amy pushed me out of the way and opened it.

"Harry, come on in." She told him.

"Hello, girls." He said, walking into where we all were. "Hello, Tina."

"Hey, Harry." I smiled, and he put his arm around me.

"I don't know what they're up to." I leant up and whispered in his ear.

"So, Harry. What are your intentions with Tina?" Maisie laughed.

"I intend to do a lot of things with her." He grinned nonchalantly.

"Harry!" I hissed, flushing bright red.

"Well, now that that's all cleared up." Amy giggled.

"Come on, let's go." I blushed, grabbing Harry's arm and leading him to the door.

"Oh and this time, you two. Make sure you go all the way." Jayde said, before laughing along with Amy and Maisie.

"Be safe!" They shouted after us, as I tugged Harry to the car.

"I am so sorry." I murmured.

"Don't be. I find it rather funny to watch you go red." He stated.


"No problems, Honey." He grinned.


We curled up on Harry's sofa, a film playing in the background. Harry was twisting a piece of my hair around his finger as I lay my head in his lap. I was mesmerised by his eyes. I was lost in them. He noticed me watching him and chuckled deeply.

"You're so cute."

I sat upright and he tugged me onto his lap. I pressed my head against his chest and he planted a soft kiss to the top of it.

"I'm so glad you gave me a chance." He smiled.

"And I'm glad, too." I grinned back, nuzzling my head in even closer to him.

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